JetBrains 2023.2 support

Issue #2401 resolved
Riadh Mankai created an issue

I just updated my WebStorm IDE to version 2023.2 - Build #WS-232.8660.143, built on July 21, 2023. Illuminated Cloud 2 stopped working. All error messages are attached to this ticket. I use the latest version of IC2. Thanks.

Official response

  • Scott Wells repo owner

    JetBrains updates typically include backward-incompatible changes to the plugin SDK. As a result, IC2 the released version of IC2 will typically not work with the new release of a JetBrains IDE immediately and is constrained by the supported version to reflect that potential incompatibility. When JetBrains first releases their EAP builds of the next release, I begin working on a compatible build of IC2, and I track that across subsequent EAP, Beta, and RC builds, adjusting for these incompatible SDK changes as necessary. Then when the new JetBrains IDE version is formally released, I verify my own changes against it and release an updated IC2 build that includes support for the new JetBrains IDE.

    I will be doing this today. Note that it is advised not to upgrade JetBrains IDE versions immediately for any critical plugins until they claim explicit support for the new JetBrains IDE version. As stated above, my goal is to release an IC2 build with first-class support within 24 hours of JetBrains' release, but upgrading immediately can lead to such an issue.

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    JetBrains updates typically include backward-incompatible changes to the plugin SDK. As a result, IC2 the released version of IC2 will typically not work with the new release of a JetBrains IDE immediately and is constrained by the supported version to reflect that potential incompatibility. When JetBrains first releases their EAP builds of the next release, I begin working on a compatible build of IC2, and I track that across subsequent EAP, Beta, and RC builds, adjusting for these incompatible SDK changes as necessary. Then when the new JetBrains IDE version is formally released, I verify my own changes against it and release an updated IC2 build that includes support for the new JetBrains IDE.

    I will be doing this today. Note that it is advised not to upgrade JetBrains IDE versions immediately for any critical plugins until they claim explicit support for the new JetBrains IDE version. As stated above, my goal is to release an IC2 build with first-class support within 24 hours of JetBrains' release, but upgrading immediately can lead to such an issue.

  2. Riadh Mankai reporter

    Thank you, Scott, it’s all good now!! I appreciate your prompt resolution. This is why I have been use IC for 4+ year now, it’s a high quality product and you have been keeping it that way! Thanks again.

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