JetBrains 2024.1 regression: API Version change header tooltip multiplied

Issue #2551 resolved
Didier Beaufays created an issue

Since Webstorm 2024.1 I get API version notifications duplicated many times (sometimes with 3, 4 or more lines ) at the top op each source code, lines are added while changing the code.

Official response

  • Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Hi. Yes, this is actually a regression in the JetBrains 2024.1 IDEs that I've reported to them here:

    Hopefully they'll provide a quick fix, or minimally a workaround that I can apply until a proper fix is available. In the meantime, if it's bothering you (and I can certainly see why it would be), you can disable that as a real-time code inspection and run it explicitly via Code | Analyze Code | Run Inspection by Name | Inconsistent API version to stay on top of your project's API versions.

Comments (11)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Hi. Yes, this is actually a regression in the JetBrains 2024.1 IDEs that I've reported to them here:

    Hopefully they'll provide a quick fix, or minimally a workaround that I can apply until a proper fix is available. In the meantime, if it's bothering you (and I can certainly see why it would be), you can disable that as a real-time code inspection and run it explicitly via Code | Analyze Code | Run Inspection by Name | Inconsistent API version to stay on top of your project's API versions.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    The linked JetBrains issue has been marked as fix for delivery in an upcoming patch. Resolving the corresponding issue here.

  3. Eric Kintzer

    Scott – the JetBrains site says this is fixed in 241.15989 which is the version I’m running (Community Edition Build #IC-241.15989.150, built on April 29, 2024) yet the repeated API version notifications are still there

  4. Eric Kintzer

    My bad - “fixed” with a version number matching what I was running I guess doesn’t mean “delivered” - I’ve disabled the inspection for now

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, makes sense. I’m hoping that fixes for both of the regressions affecting IC2 users will be delivered in 2024.1.2. The other one is already scheduled for that patch release.

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    This should be resolved in the most recent 2024.1.2 update. Once you update, please re-enable this code inspection (if disabled) and let me know if you continue to see the issue.

  7. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks. I’ve already commented on both linked JetBrains issues (one indirect from the one linked here) letting them know that it’s not completely resolved. It looks like others have commented similarly, so hopefully they’re back to working on it.

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