proposal: Disable the entire IC plugin only when IC plugin cannot connect to license validation servers

Issue #396 resolved
Peter Lin created an issue

For some reasons, when Illuminated Cloud (IC) failed to contact license validation servers, IC causes the whole IntelliJ blocked or locked. I cannot click the File > Settings... to do any work in IntelliJ. (see attached)

I can access using a Chrome or Firefox browser.

proposal: when Illuminated Cloud (IC) failed to contact license validation servers, IC causes the IC module disabled, but does not locked the whole IntelliJ.

Attempts to solve: Jump to other WiFi and ISP Internet provider. Result: Not solved.

Resolved detailed. The corporate network replace the SSL certificates to access external websites. (see attached) Disable "Accept non-trusted certificates automatically" (see attached) Result: solved the issue.

Comments (49)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for the details, Peter. Hopefully that will help me help others if/when they have similar issues connecting to the license servers.

    As for the proposal, I thought that's what I was doing. If you click No in the retry dialog, I thought I was disabling the plugin and restarting the IDE. I definitely don't want to block the entire IDE! Let me take a look at that logic and make sure it's doing what I intend. As a point of clarification, unfortunately I can't disable the plugin on a module-by-module basis. If the plugin is enabled and unable to validate the license, I can't let the various plugin SDK entry points execute, in particular core things like the lexer and parser. That's why I disable the plugin entirely. I wish there were some better middle ground where it's enabled but inactive until the problem is resolved, but I haven't been able to find a good way to do that because of IntelliJ IDEA's plugin architecture.

  2. Peter Lin reporter

    Thank you, Scott, again! Yes, when I clicked No, it was still blocking. When I said disabling the the IC module, I meant the same as you, the whole IC plugin. I hope that it will be a quick fix. Thanks, Peter

  3. Peter Lin reporter
    • changed status to open

    After I have updated it to version, I got this window.


    And it blocks the entire IDE again. I cannot do anything using the IDE even when I tried to click "No" or the red Close Button.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ugh...I thought I'd resolved that, but perhaps it regressed when I updated the license validation software in Are you able to get things back into a good state after restarting the IDE and re-enabling the plugin?

  5. Peter Lin reporter

    I cannot close the IDE normally. I have to kill it using the End Task button of Windows Task Manager. After IDE has restarted, the small window above still blocks the entire IDE.

    I cannot do anything using the IDE even when I tried to click "No" or the red Close Button.


  6. Peter Lin reporter

    If you use http (port 80) instead of https (port 443) to connect (if it supports port 80), will it help when the port 443 is blocked in any corporate network? Thanks, Peter

  7. Peter Lin reporter

    Do I have any options to downgrade IC to a version lower than not using the IDE UI settings after I have kill the IDE using the End Task button of Windows Task Manager? Thanks.

  8. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay. I've just pulled the update. I'm going to push out a update now that is basically the same as without the third-party license validation software update that seems to have caused this issue. If you'd like to make the same effective change in advance of that update, you can delete the plugin using the instructions at the bottom of this page, then install version of the plugin again from the plugin repository. Please let me know if that doesn't get you past this issue, and sincere apologies for the pains they're causing.

  9. Peter Lin reporter

    Great! I have deleted the entire IC plugins fodler and installed the Then I see this window after I have clicked the No button on the window above.


    And after IDE restarted, IDE works well with the IC disabled.

  10. Peter Lin reporter

    I would like to help to test the issue in the when you have a fix. My laptop seems like a little bit sensitive to this kind of issue. Thanks for your wonderful IC which makes my life much easier.

  11. Scott Wells repo owner

    Peter, if you activate IC does it show the same issue with an expired license? In other words, are you completely unable to use IC at this point?

    As for enlisting you to help test the fix, absolutely! I really appreciate the offer and the kind understanding as I work through these issues. I'm working with the support folks from the third-party provider and hope that, with their assistance, I can make these problems go away completely for you guys and for me. I'd much rather spend this time adding features to IC that help folks developer better in the Salesforce ecosystem...

    I'll keep you posted, but hopefully I'll have something soon.

  12. Peter Lin reporter

    Hi Scott,

    I am facing new challenge.

    For testing

    I could install and restart the IDE and then saw the green question mark window (the second last screenshot above). Then when I clicked the No button, IDE provided the red cross mark window (the last screenshot above) as expected. IDE then restarted itself and I confirmed that the plugins section of the settings showed the IC was disabled and the IC was hidden in the Language section of the settings. This is the good part.

    The not-so-good part is that I am no longer able to use the IC because my corporate laptop blocks the IC from connecting to the license validation servers (I guess).

    On this exactly same laptop, I used to be able to use the IdeaJ IDEA Community Edition to connect to the license validation servers and validate the IC on the Community Edition. (At that very same moment, the IDEA Ultimate Edition was somehow blocked from connecting to the license validation servers). Then magically, after the Community Edition was validated, the Ultimate Edition worked without showing any green question mark window (the second last screenshot above). This happened about before you released, maybe early September.

  13. Peter Lin reporter

    So do you have any options for someone like me to manually activate or enable the IC when we use the corporate laptop with tight security control? Thank you very much!

  14. Peter Lin reporter

    Will "Debug log settings" be helpful for troubleshooting my challenge?

    If yes, which settings should I put there?

    Thanks again!

  15. Scott Wells repo owner

    It's possible. First I'd like to understand what's happening, though. Your machine is certainly not offline but it's still saying it can't contact the license servers. I'm in discussion with WyDay support right now. If it turns out that I need to give the option for offline activation, I'll do that, but given that Salesforce development is inherently an online activity, it seems unnecessary. Thanks for the link!

  16. Scott Wells repo owner

    Peter, regarding the earlier comment where IC in Community Edition validated fine but Ultimate Edition did not, did you happen to configure Community Edition for a proxy and/or to accept certificates (Settings>Tools>Server Certificates>Accept non-trusted certificates automatically) that wasn't configured in Ultimate Edition? I wouldn't expect there to be any other difference between CE and UE in this regard. Also, when you activate the license, it's activated for the machine, not the instance of the IDE. That's why activating it in CE also caused it to be active in UE.

  17. Peter Lin reporter


    In my case, I need to do extra steps to use IC, Salesforce Data Loader, Salesforce Ant Migration Tool, etc. I will need to disconnect from the VPN or corporate network and connect to my cell phone hotspot or connect to other WiFi or RJ45 cable, etc. in order to use the wonderful IC and other tools.


  18. Peter Lin reporter

    I believe that I am not and will not be the only one. :) I hope that the offline activation will be available soon.

  19. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ahhhhhh...I see. That's definitely a more involved situation. Well, let me see what comes of my discussion with WyDay support and hopefully I'll come up with a solution that works well for you and for other users. I'll keep you posted.

  20. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm definitely going to do some things to make the licensing aspects less invasive than they are now. I'm not happy with the current situation at all and I know that some users definitely are not as well.

  21. Peter Lin reporter

    The settings of accept certificates (Settings>Tools>Server Certificates>Accept non-trusted certificates automatically) are as below.

    IC disabled and has a list of about 6-8 Accepted certificates in the box below the option

    IU enabled without any Accepted certificated listed

    It is not as you expected. :)

  22. Peter Lin reporter

    Community Edition 2016.2.2 with 5 Accepted certificates

    I didn't dare to upgrade it to 2.4 because I wanted to keep the IC (Community Edition) to validate the license for the Ultimate Edition. :)


  23. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay. Less of an expectation and more of just trying to understand why Community Edition would work and Ultimate Edition would not. From an IC perspective, there's really no difference. Obviously it's happening, though, so that's perplexing.

  24. Peter Lin reporter

    By the way, if a user uses IC in IU, will that user gain more power or feature or functions than when that user uses the Community Edition?

  25. Peter Lin reporter

    Community Edition 2016.2.2 with 5 Accepted certificates

    I didn't dare to upgrade it to 2.4 because I wanted to keep the IC (Community Edition) to validate the license for the Ultimate Edition. :)

  26. Scott Wells repo owner

    Oh yeah, there are definite benefits to using UE vs. CE for IC, in particular the amazing HTML5 features that are then available for Visualforce and Lightning as well, but also access to commercial third-party systems such as VCS (Perforce, Clearcase, TFS). CE works very well, but if you can get your company to pay for it or write off the expense, I definitely recommend getting UE.

  27. Peter Lin reporter

    Scott, we as users, need the above summary comparison for our long awaiting future user guide. :)

    Thanks a lot for making IC a wonderful tool!

  28. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hah! Yes, sometime I do need to put together actual end user documentation now that things have more or less settled from a 12-18 month feature push. Minimally I think that CE vs. UE belongs in the FAQ which I do plan to update soon. I'll add that to my list.

  29. Peter Lin reporter

    The following setting only helps UE to check for the new version of Illuminated Cloud and to download the Illuminated Cloud. It doesn't help for accessing the validation server as we have discussed.

    The setting of accept certificates (Settings>Tools>Server Certificates>Accept non-trusted certificates automatically):

    UE enabled without any Accepted certificated listed

  30. Peter Lin reporter

    Just a quick note.

    IC is working good with the TurboActive signed on July 27, 2016. This issue could be considered resolved if you are happy to stay with this TurboActive version. :)

    IC is not working good with the TurboActive signed on September 23, 2016.

  31. Scott Wells repo owner

    Peter, I've removed the update due to issues and am actively working with WyDay support on how to resolve them so that I can re-release a build that uses the latest version of TurboActivate. Let's leave this issue open as I do that and I may take you up on your offer to do some testing for me as I work through those issues.

  32. Peter Lin reporter

    Scott, do you have any temporary option, e.g. trial license that I can unlock or enable the IC for a few days while you are preparing a solution of Offline Activation or something else?

    I cannot use the IC at all. I can only view the codes preciously loaded in the IDE.

  33. Scott Wells repo owner

    Peter, I'm happy to provide you with a trial key, but it would still need to be activated just like your official key. Is there some reason that you think that might work where the official key doesn't?

  34. Peter Lin reporter

    Yes. I agree with you. I think a trial key will not work as it needs the same activation process as well. So it is not a option for me. Thank you.

  35. Scott Wells repo owner

    Peter, I'm not sure I totally understand what's preventing this particular machine/install from activating when the other one does. Is it on a different network that's locked down more tightly?

  36. Peter Lin reporter

    Scott, the UE and CE were on the same Windows 7 laptop (not something like a VMWare workstation) in the same network when the CE can connect the validation server but UE cannot. I tried Corporate WiFi, Home WiFi, Home RJ45 cable, all were the same. I am not so sure but I might have also connected to the Hotspot of Corporate cell phone and the Hotspopt of personal cell phone and got the same results.

  37. Scott Wells repo owner

    Peter, that's odd. UE and CE in the same machine should just work. The license activation is associated with the machine, not the IDE installation. I have five separate versions of IntelliJ installed on my workstation and only had to activate my license on one of them for all to show as licensed. Don't get me wrong...I believe this is happening to you...just saying that it's very odd.

    Additionally I wouldn't expect there to be differences between UE and CE in terms of being able to connect to the validation server from the exact same machine assuming the exact same proxy/server certificate/etc. configuration. Something odd is definitely happening there.

  38. Peter Lin reporter

    Scott, that's odd to me too. My Corporate laptop has this issue, my personal home laptop is working fine with both CE and UE for connecting to validation server.

    I also expected that UE and CE in the same machine behave the same way for network connection.

    Let me explain a little bit more. I don't have local Administrator privilege in my Corporate laptop which belongs to a Windows Server domain, so I need to call the IT support to remotely connect to my Corporate laptop to install any software requires Administrator privilege.

    First, they helped me installed the CE and every time I started the CE, CE prompted windows asking me to accept so-called "non-trusted" (maybe because of replacing official certificates with Corporate home-made certificates by some security arrangement) certificates as the screenshot below. Maybe just because of this, the CE can connect to validation server. Furthermore, CE can automatically detect (normal for my home laptop) new version of Illuminated Cloud and download and update it within CE.

    CE 2016.2.2 accepting so-called "non-trusted" certificates 2016-10-12_165622.png

    Second, a different story for UE, after they installed the UE on this same Corporate laptop, the UE never prompted me to accept any so-called "non-trusted" certificates. And the UE cannot connect to validation server, so I found this issue and created it here as #396. When last time the UE cannot validate the license, I tried to open the CE, and the CE validated the license for UE as well. However, I cannot use UE to detect new version of IC. I can search and found the new version of IC in the plugins section of settings, however, the certificate issue stop me from downloading the new IC from inside UE. I had to use the "Install plugin from disk..." option to upgrade the IC. Later I found that when I enable "Accept non-trusted certificate automatically" option as the screenshot below, the UE can detect new version of IC and download it in UE and upgrade the IC in UE. However, the UE still cannot connect to validation server using all connections mentioned above. (I tried Corporate WiFi, Home WiFi, Home RJ45 cable, all were the same. I am not so sure but I might have also connected to the Hotspot of Corporate cell phone and the Hotspopt of personal cell phone and got the same results.)

    UE 2016.2.4


  39. Peter Lin reporter

    I have just tested and found that: IC is working good with the TurboActive signed on October 19, 2016 for blocking the entire IC plugin only but not the entire IDEA when IC cannot connect to the validation server.

    Screenshots are as below.



    After the IDEA was restarted, IDEA ran with an inactive IC plugin as expected.

    Great work, Scott!

    Thanks again!

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