Autosubscribe not working as expected for Selected metadata subscription

Issue #443 resolved
Scott Wells repo owner created an issue

Several users have reported that if you select the metadata type branch node in a Selected metadata subscription, e.g., ApexClass, then refresh the subscription to pick up new classes, they're not automatically added to the subscription. In other words, branch node selection isn't operating as an effective wildcard.

Comments (6)

  1. Zoran Žunko

    This is happening in this case also: no wc subscription; Create new ApexClass;

    result: it is not auto added to subscription

    I assume this is not intended behavior.

  2. Scott Wells reporter

    Zoran, I think your use case is actually more closely associated with #239 which asks that the active subscription (package.xml or explicit selection) be updated when metadata is created from within the IDE. These two items are definitely very closely related to one another, though, as they're both about keeping the subscription up-to-date with minimal (ideally no) manual steps.

  3. Scott Wells reporter

    Delivered in This does not include adding metadata created through IC to the subscription automatically. That will come with #239.

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