Process to update credentials?

Issue #464 duplicate
Former user created an issue

I work with a distributed team that gets a little happy with updating credentials (specifically tokens) for shared development accounts. When this happens, CI just keeps throwing up a dialog stating that the credentials are invalid but doesn't seem to provide a way to update them. I've looked elsewhere and can't seem to find a way to easily up it.

Am I am missing something?

Either way it would be helpful if the invalid credentials dialog allowed an easy way to update the credentials.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, this one is a bit tricky. The error message that comes back from the API when you have invalid credentials is the same as the one that you get when you have an expired session ID. Right now my API client reacts to that by resetting the session via logout/login to provide a more seamless experience across long sessions. However, if the reason for the error is a bad login, this can lead to a retry spam that can result in having the account locked. There's another issue, #298, to address that, and my solution to that will likely resolve this overall as well. I'm planning to do exactly one retry and it yields the same results, prompt the user to edit credentials before issuing any further API calls.

    So that's what I'm planning to do to address the overall problem, but your question was also how can you update creds today. If you open the connections settings using Settings>Illuminated Cloud (<connectionName>), you'll be able to edit the connection login values. Test those to verify them and after you click OK it will reset any open connections/sessions.

    Please let me know if this doesn't address your concern.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm going to resolve this as a duplicate of #298, but if there are distinct problems outside of what's described in that issue, please feel free to reopen and let me know the distinction.

  3. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    I think the solution for #298 will resolve the issue. Just need a way to change the credentials without recreating the project.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay. And you can definitely do that today in the connection settings screen. Please let me know if you're not able to find that.

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