Prompt User to Merge File when it has been saved by another user

Issue #63 resolved
Sergey Trusov created an issue

When more then 1 developers works under 1 source file each developer can rewrite changes made by another users. Need to prompt user to merge changes.

Comments (15)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'll have to think about how best to handle this one. I totally understand the motivation for developers collaborating in a single org, e.g., a sandbox. However, there's an expense to making this check on each save that makes saves take longer than they otherwise would for those that don't need this type of check (those working in their own dev orgs). Most likely it should be a configurable option. I'll also see if there's anything in the API that might help out here as well.

  2. Sergey Trusov reporter

    I think it is a major problem for now, because a lot of developers working on same org. You can implement "intelligent" check such as validation - perform request to SF during file editing.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, I absolutely agree that it's an important feature for developers collaborating in a single org to ensure that it's not last-writer-wins. I'm just trying to figure out how to provide this feature for those who need it without penalizing those who don't since there is a non-trivial overhead for the check on an operation that I've tried to make as fast as possible (propagation of saves in the IDE to the org).

  4. Liratanak ANN

    if it is expense to check, yes some org does not need to check.

    Would be good if we have an option somewhere( maybe in Project Settings ) that say to check or not to check ?

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Absolutely. When I do implement this, I will make it a configurable option so that folks collaborating in a single org can enable it and those who are working in dedicated orgs can disable it to avoid the overhead.

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    FYI, making really great progress on this and plan to release it soon as the first of a number of metadata deployment/retrieval enhancements:


  7. Scott Wells repo owner

    Added in Note this this feature is disabled by default and can be enabled per-connection as appropriate.

  8. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yes, it applies to all metadata types. I included static resources in particular in my own testing.

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