All Tests Ignored

Issue #732 resolved
Derek Wiers created an issue

I might be going crazy, but it seems IC decided to ignore all my tests in one connection - run with OR without coverage. I've refreshed metadata (it's my personal sandbox, so nothing external changed), I've reset the OST from scratch, I've compiled all classes, ensured that all is well, verified that the tests do exist and that what's in the IDE matches what's in the org. I can run these tests from the Salesforce UI for now, but it's bugging the heck out of me as to what could be the issue here.

Screen Shot 2017-10-05 at 4.15.24 PM.png

This happens for any class I've tried so far - even ones that I haven't modified since testing (successfully) yesterday - and they're still ignored. I have a funny feeling there's something wrong with my code somewhere that's freaking something out and once I get whatever-it-is to be fixed, this problem will go away, but in the mean time it's super frustrating. My other connection(s) work just fine (of course this would happen on the connection I run tests on the most lol)

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Derek, it's not IC ignoring the tests but rather the Salesforce test running. As you suspect, almost every time this happens it's because the transitive compilation state for Apex is out of whack in the org. As I'm sure you know, Apex will happily let you deploy breaking changes, e.g., something in ClassA references something in ClassB and you remove the referenced thing by deploying ClassB. You won't know that ClassA is in a bad state until something exercises it, in this case unit tests.

    Sometimes the test runner gives back info on the problem, but most of the time it just says the test run is finished and doesn't report status on the tests that weren't executed at all so IC just reports them as ignore (you can also configure IC to treat that as an error if you like). The best way to deal with this is either to force deploy all of your classes to see what throws an error or to go into the Setup UI and click the Compile all classes link (for which sadly there's no API for IC to call).

    I hope that helps!

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Resolving assuming it's the described issue, but if it's not then please reopen with additional details.

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