Allow the use of IDE scopes for metadata operations (originally specific to VCS scopes)

Issue #745 new
Daniel Ebel created an issue

The original request is below, but I'm generalizing this to allow any IDE scope--standard or configured--to be used when performing metadata operation such as deploy, retrieve, refresh, or delete.

=== Original request ===

When I want to deploy a subset of the files I have changed, I need to select them one by one in the Project view and deploy them from there (usually I add them to a favourites list from there, so I don't have to select them all over again in case the deploy fails). However, these Subsets are usually already combined in a changelist in version control for me. I just can't deploy from this changelist.

So it would be great if metadata could be deployed right from the version control (Right-click on one or more files in one or more changelists, selecting the Illuminated Cloud-sub-menu -> Deploy All Metadata...).

In other words, a deployment (or retrieval, etc.) should be able to use the Version Control selection for context just like it can use the Project selection.

Comments (18)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    This has obviously sat around for quite a while...funny thing...I wanted exactly this the other day so I decided to try something. I opened IntelliJ's Version Control tool window, selected a changelist, and did a Force Save. It actually did the right thing! Then I tried a Deploy Modified Metadata. I had to choose Context in the Contents drop-down, but it also did the right thing. While it's not 100% first class, this actually does work right now. I'd be curious to know whether that addresses this for those of you watching this issue.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Oh, and it works just fine for Retrieve Metadata as well. Again, the trick is to ensure that Context is selected in the Contents drop-down.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    One limitation of the current behavior is that you can't have this as a repeated scope (easily) from the keyboard. That alone may make me add the version control changelists to the Contents drop-down.

  4. Daniel Ebel

    Ha! who'd have thought that it could be that easy. For me, this solves this problem. Thanks for the information.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, I was surprised that that just worked as well. Sometimes it really is better to be lucky than good! Anyway, I'm going to keep this around for adding the VCS changelists to the Context drop-down as I think that would streamline this workflow even more. Glad it worked for you, though!

  6. Christopher Tufts


    Going to close the bug I just opened, but I would like to see if I could add some of my scope to this feature if possible.

    I am looking forward to this feature now (which I honestly didn’t know I was looking for of course…)

    I am also looking to be able to define scopes that you can save into the retrieval and deploy window (obviously nice if they could be defined once)

    Almost like the test execution window. where you can create a name for the collection of metadata and then just switch to that in the drop down and it would have all the things preclicked. i know the custom one is sticky so you can deploy multiple times with it, but that only gets you so far of course…


  7. Scott Wells repo owner

    Chris, that would be a first-class aspect of this feature, taking advantage of the "scopes" concept in JetBrains IDEs:

    You could define any scope you want, and when you go into the deploy/retrieve/delete dialog, you could choose one of the canned contextual selections such as Project, Module, Context, or Custom, but you could also choose any defined scope (or likely have a way to define one from that dialog just as with the Find in Files dialog), and it would be filtered accordingly.

    Make sense?

  8. Scott Wells repo owner

    #2638 seems to be a specialized instance of this where the “scope” is defined by the files from a set of VCS commits.

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