Deployment questions (deploy all metadata)

Issue #997 resolved
Anja Remic created an issue


when we are working on sandbox and use deploy all metadata to production connection, it would be great if, when the deployment fails, we could see why. At the moment we can only see that the deployment failed, no other information. Do we need to enable anything or it needs to be implemented?

Another question is, when using deploy all metadata - is it possible to set only a selected number of tests we want to run? On some orgs we have a lot of tests and if we wait for all, the deployment can take up to an hour. With only selected tests it takes only a few minutes.

Thank you, Anja

Comments (12)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Anja, you should get full details on any deployment failure under the Messages view and/or the Illuminated Cloud>Problems view. The former shows failures textually with hyperlinks to the source, and the latter shows failures in a tree view. Please let me know if you're not seeing those.

    Currently IC doesn't support test-on-deploy and quick deploy. There's an open enhancement request in the backlog for that, and I do plan to address it soon-ish. There are a few things ahead of it in my queue, but it is on my radar.

  2. Anja Remic reporter


    yes, I see now. It opened another 'tab' in the problems view for production. Thank you, Another question regarding deployments - possibility to only make a validation to another (production) connection? :)

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, glad to hear. No, unfortunately right now check-only deployments are only available for individual files for as-you-type validation. There's another enhancement request for a check-only option on the deployment dialog (which would allow a check-only deployment to any connection) that will be addressed at the same time that the other enhancement request is addressed. Both will be coming in the next month or so, best guess.

  4. Anja Remic reporter
    • changed status to open


    I tried to deploy again and here it does not say why the deployment failed:


    Also, one more question. Possibility to open another connection's setup or console without making a project? At the moment we need to make another project for production and login with that. This comes in handy when we are on another IP and we can't have it whitelisted and we can't get the verification code from the client (in time to fix something urgent). We do have all other credentials to login (username, password and token)

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Anja, the Problems can only show failures when the Salesforce API response includes enough information to correlate those failures to local, physical files. The Messages view should show all failures, albeit in a less friendly manner. If you ever find that things aren't present in the Problems view, look in the Messages view. I try to direct the notification when a deployment completes to the correct view as a cue for where to look.

    Yes, you can open any configured connection easily from the toolbar. You'll see a drop-down labeled Open connection. Click that and it lists all configured connections. Select one and it will log you into that connection even if there's no association with the current project. Let me know if you have any trouble finding/using that. It's my go-to all day long as I bounce between orgs!

  6. Anja Remic reporter

    Also no additional information in Messages tab (i looked at the other linked issues, this could be related: #411, because the deploy does fail just because of one test class):


    I see now the Open connection option. I had to enable the toolbar - this toolbar will make our lives a lot easier, thank you!

  7. Scott Wells repo owner

    That's certainly odd. It says the class deployed successfully but it also says that the operation failed. We can get more details by enabling debug logging for metadata deployment as documented here:

    After adding the appropriate logging for that operation, please reproduce the issue and email or attach the resulting idea.log. I'll be curious to know why it's saying everything deployed but something failed...

  8. Anja Remic reporter


    I just sent an email with the log.

    Also another question :) is it possible to automatically 'register' logs on org when opening log viewer tab? At the moment we have to open the developer log on the org or renew user trace flags on setup -> debug logs before we can see updated logs in the log viewer tab in webstorm.

  9. Scott Wells repo owner

    No, right now when you open the Log Viewer the first time it queries for any existing trace flag, but it doesn't create one until you do something that would cue it to do so (change log levels, execute anonymous Apex/unit tests, etc.). If you have thoughts on how it might work differently, please log that in a separate enhancement request with a description of how you'd like to see if it work.

  10. Scott Wells repo owner

    Not sure if there was anything else to address here. Please feel free to reopen with specifics if there are still open items that need to be addressed.

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