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BedwarsWiki / How to create an arena

How to create an arena

  1. Start by typing the command: /bedwars create <arenaName> <arenaType> <playersPerTeam> <minimumTeamsToStart>

    • <arenaName> is your arena name, this name will be used when you'll join using the command: /bedwars join <arenaName>

    • <arenaType> is your arena type, it can be anything, this is a mode to group the arenas by its type, for example you can set it to be SOLO or DOUBLES or TEAMS

    • <playerPerTeam> the number of players per team. If you want to have 1 player per team (SOLO) set it to 1, if you want to have two players per team (DOUBLES) set it to 2

    • <minimumTeamsToStart> the number of required teams to start the match

  2. After performing this command you'll be teleported to the world where you'll have to set the locations

  3. Select the arena corners using the axe (similar to worldedit) . In this way the players won't be able to leave the arena.

  4. Create as many teams as you want, click the message from the chat to get the command /bedwars createTeam teamName color

    • teamName is your team name , for example Red

    • color is the team color, you can choose from the colors available in minecraft: WHITE , ORANGE , MAGENTA , LIGHT-BLUE , YELLOW , LIME , PINK , GRAY , LIGHT-GRAY , CYAN , PURPLE , BLUE , BROWN , GREEN , RED , BLACK , AQUA

    • example command: /bedwars createTeam Red RED

  5. After creating some teams click the message from chat or perform the command: /bedwars nextStep

  6. Set the waiting , spectate , diamond and gold generators locations

  7. Set for all the teams created spawn, bed, iron, gold, emerald, shop, upgrade locations

  8. Click the message from chat or perform the command: /bedwars finish

  9. That's all , congratulations on making your first arena

WARNING! If you arena does not reset be sure that you've set your locations on the same world name as the arena name. For example if you created the arena "arena1" , you'll be teleported in the world "arena1" and there you'll set the locations.
