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ArenaGames / Config.yml



Default config with notes

    # If mobs will spawn in the arena, and their interval 
    spawn-mobs: true
    spawn-mobs-interval: 35
    # The time once the game starts, how long they are safe from PvP (In seconds)
    free-roam: 25
    # The amount of uses a tracking stick will have
    trackingstick-uses: 8
    # Minimum amount of players required in a game for a tracking stick to work
    players-for-trackingstick: 5
    # Maximum amount of items that will spawn in chests
    max-chestcontent: 5
    # Minimum amount of items that will spawn in chests
    min-chestcontent: 1
    # Maximum amount of items that will spawn in bonus chests
    max-bonus-chestcontent: 5
    # Minimum amount of items that will spawn in bonus chests
    min-bonus-chestcontent: 1
    # When the game has x seconds left, teleport the players back to their starting point
    teleport-at-end: false
    # The time in seconds to teleport players back to their starting point
    # (note: increments of 30, ex: 30, 60, 90, 120, etc)
    teleport-at-end-time: 30
    # Maximum team size
    max-team-size: 3
    # Whether players get a reward when the game is done! 
    enabled: true
    # The cash prize the winner receives. (Set to 0 if you would prefer to use commands instead of money)
    cash: 500
    # You can have the game run commands when a player wins
    # Can be used for things like vote crate keys, GriefPrevention claim blocks, etc.
    # Examples:     <player> will be replaced by winner
    #  - 'say Hi <player>'
    #  - 'crates key give <player> vote 1'
        - none
    # You can send messages to the winner when they win
    #Examples:     <player> will be replaced by winner, supports color codes
    #  - '&7Congrats &b<player> &7you won a vote key for winning &3Arena&bGames'
        - none
    enabled: false
    interval: 30
    max-chestcontent: 9
    # Let players break blocks in the arena, and restore when the game is done
    allow-block-break: false
    # The amount of blocks that will be restored during rollback per second (this number is actually divided by 10 and restored in 2 tick intervals)
    blocks-per-second: 500
    # When enabled, will not allow players to break blocks during the free-roam time
    protect-during-cooldown: true
    # Prevent players from trampling crops in your arenas
    prevent-trampling: true
    # If allow-block-break is true, this will fix leaves that decay if a tree is broken
    fix-leaves: true
    # List of blocks players can break
        - GRASS
        - TALL_GRASS
        - GRASS_BLOCK
        - DIRT
        - OAK_PLANKS
        - SANDSTONE
        - WHITE_WOOL
        - STONE_BRICKS
        - GLASS_PANE
# (Note) ONLY use this if you have a world dedicated to 1 arena.
# - Will not work if more than 1 arena is in a world, will screw up other arenas
# - Will not work if the world is used for other purposes - Will kill players outside of the arena
    # Enable the world borders for arenas
    enabled: false
    # If true, when the game starts a world border will start just outside of the arena
    # It will count down based on the time of the arena
    initiate-on-start: true
    # When the countdown for the arena will start 
    # If `initiate-on-start` is true, the border will just countdown quicker at this time
    # (ex: 60 = 60 seconds left in the game)(needs to be in increments of 30)
    countdown-start: 60
    # The time left for the border to stop (any amount, must be less than countdown-start)
    # (ex: if countdown-start = 60 and countdown-end = 30, once the border starts, the border will shrink to the centre in 30 seconds)
    # (ex: if countdown-start = 60 and countdown-end = 55, once the border starts, the border will shrink to the centre in 5 seconds)
    countdown-end: 30
    # Final border size from the centre outward
    final-border-size: 30
    # If true, the centre of the arena will be based on the first spawn location you set
    # If false, the centre will be calculated by the centre of the arena
    center-on-first-spawn: true

# When enabled players can spectate games without interfering with players in the game
  # Disabled by default
  enabled: false
  # When a player dies, they will automatically be put into spectator
  death-to-spectate: true
  # Hide spectating players from other players
  hide-spectators: true
  # Allow spectators to fly in the arena
  fly: true

# Create new ones, rename the current ones, delete them, go nuts  
    # the name of the kit, change to whatever you would like
        # whether or not this kit requires a permission
        permission: none
        # armor, support color (leather only), name, lore and enchantments
        helmet: LEATHER_HELMET color:red
        chestplate: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE color:red
        leggings: LEATHER_LEGGINGS color:red
        boots: LEATHER_BOOTS color:red
        # Items player's will receive in the kit, supports amount, name, lore and enchantments
            - BOW name:&2Lucky_Bow
            - ARROW 64 name:&aLucky_Arrow
            - POTION:HEAL:60:0 2 name:&bHealing
        # Potion effects to be applied to the player, supports timed and "forever"
        - FIRE_RESISTANCE:2:forever


  • When a player starts the game, they have a choice of a kit they can choose to receive, they only get one.
    They receive this by using the command /ag kit <name of kit>


  • If this kit requires a permission


  • For items, you can include an item, color (leather only), a custom name, lore and enchantments:level (Names and lore can not have spaces in them, to use spaces, use an underscore) as well as player heads with an owner.
    --ITEM - Items must be SpigotAPI enum names found HERE these are also the same names that show up when you are holding the item, in the items lore
    --STACK SIZE - This will be the amount in each stack (This is just a number value by itself)
    --NAME - Supports color codes. Use underscores for spaces.
    --LORE - Supports color codes. Use underscores for spaces. Use colons to separate new lines of lore.
    --ENCHANT - You can use Minecraft enchantment namespaces here, check out our Enchantment Cheat Sheet, you can also add the level of the enchantment.
    --OWNER-NAME - You can add an owner of a PLAYER_HEAD using ownerName:playerNameHere
    --DATA - You can add any NBT string, the same as you would with the Minecraft /give command. (spaces must be replaced with ~) ex: data:{Unbreakable:1b,display:{Name:'{"text":"Bob\'s_Sword"}'}}
        - STONE_SWORD 1 name:&7Survival_Sword lore:&eKill_your_enemies enchant:sharpness:2
        - BREAD 8 name:&6Peasant's_Bread lore:&7nom_nom_nom
        - PLAYER_HEAD 1 ownerName:ShaneBee name:&3Shane's_Head lore:&7Ooo_look_a_head
        - DIAMOND_SWORD 1 data:{Unbreakable:1b,display:{Name:'{"text":"Bob\'s_Sword"}'},Damage:500}
        - DIAMOND_PICKAXE 1 data:{CustomModelData:575757}


--Same as items, with the exception of amount.
--Leather armour supports color (use Dye Color names)

chestplate: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE color:red
leggings: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS name:&7Fancy_Pants lore:&eKeeps_your_legs_warm enchant:fire_protection

POTIONS (as items):

  • You can add potions to your item list, they are done in this fashion:
    --POTION_EFFECT_TYPE: You need to use the SpigotAPI enums for this, found HERE
    --DURATION: Time in ticks the potion will apply to the player
    --AMPLIFIER: 0 = normal potion (Strength 1), 1 = stronger potion (Strength 2), 2 = strongest (Strength 3) (I dunno what happens when it goes higher)
    --COLOR: Add different colours to your potions using RGB color codes. You can use THIS website to get potion color codes.
        - POTION:HEAL:60:2
        - SPLASH_POTION:HARM:20:1
        - POTION:HEAL:60:0 2 name:&bHealing_Potion color:1213666


  • You can apply a potion effect to the player when they receive the kit.
  • Done like so:
    --POTION_EFFECT_TYPE: You need to use the SpigotAPI enums for this, found HERE
    --AMPLIFIER: 0 = normal potion (Strength 1), 1 = stronger potion (Strength 2), 2 = strongest (Strength 3) (I dunno what happens when it goes higher)
    --DURATION: Time in ticks the potion will apply to the player (supports "forever")
        - FIRE_RESISTANCE:2:forever
        - SPEED:1:forever
