
Clone wiki

HungerGames / Arena-Setup



How to setup an arena:

1) Build your arena to your liking, decorate it, make it nice.
2) Place some chests around your arena (These chests will randomly fill up when the game starts)
2b) If you so choose, you can place bonus chests around your arena. These chests have a separate loot table which you can add special items. Bonus chests are trapped chests, shulker boxes and barrels.
3) Run the command /hg wand to give yourself the selector wand
4) Right click holding the wand, on the top block in the corner of your arena
5) Left click holding the wand, on the opposing corner of your arena at the lowest point (a few blocks below the ground is ok)
6) Run the create command /hg create <arena name> <min-players> <max-players> <time=seconds>:
- Arena Name: The name of your arena
- Min-Players: The minimum amount of players that are needed for a game to start (Probably best to do more than 2)
- Max-Players: The maximum amount of players that can play in one game
- Time: The time in seconds an game will last for (Game ends when either 1 player is left, or time runs up)
7) ARENA is now created... time to make some spawn points
8) Walk around your arena and stand in a position you would like the players to spawn at and enter /hg addspawn, you will have to set a minimum amount of spawns that is greater than or equal to the max-players you entered.
9) Now run /hg debug <arena name> to make sure that all went well
10) Last step. Find a place where you want your arena's "lobby" to be. On a wall, place 3 signs horizontally. Whilst looking at the far left sign (and standing in front of the far left sign), type /hg setlobbywall <arena name> and this will create your starting point.
11) Go stand somewhere where you would like your players to spawn once they leave the game and run /hg setexit

You're all done, congrats you just created your first arena.


This is an example of what you will find in the arenas.yml

  # this is the name of your arena (Only change whilst server is stopped)
    # This is the bounding region of your arena (Only change whilst server is stopped)
      world: world
      x: -113
      y: 95
      z: -355
      x2: -261
      y2: 60
      z2: -205
      # Cost to play this game (will show up on sign)
      cost: 10
      # The time (in seconds - increments of 30 only) that this arena will run for
      timer: 90
      # The minimum amount of players for this game to start
      min-players: 2
      # The maximum amount of players that can join this game
      max-players: 8
    # The location of the lobby sign for this game (This shouldn't be changed in the config)
    lobbysign: world:3:72:29
    # The spawn points for your arena (Only change whilst server is stopped)
    - world:-188:70:-305:1.1759033:19.76662
    - world:-204:70:-298:311.976:8.516614
    - world:-210:70:-281:271.47617:-0.1833858
    - world:-205:70:-265:224.97621:1.9166147
    - world:-187:70:-257:181.47647:0.86661774
    - world:-169:70:-264:131.52661:4.6166277
    - world:-164:70:-282:93.27672:9.716626
    - world:-171:70:-299:42.876766:9.116629
    # The time (in seconds - increments of 30 only) left in a game for the chests to refill (set to 0 to disable)
    chest-refill: 30
      # Center point for the world border
      center: world:-188:75:-282
      # Final diameter size for the world border
      size: 10
      # The time (in seconds - increments of 30 only) left in game for the world border to start shrinking
      countdown-start: 60
      # The time left in game for the world border to stop shrinking (reaches its final size)
      countdown-end: 30
    # Commands to run for this arena (to disable commands, just put "none" in the list)
    # Command types = start, stop, join, death
    # Placeholders:
      # <arena> = will be replaced with the name of the arena
      # <world> = will be replaced with the name of the world
      # <player> = will be replaced with the name of the player in this event (only supported in start, join and death events)
    - none # disables commands
    # Here are some examples to show you how types and placeholders work
    - start:broadcast hello everyone
    - stop:time set day <world>
    - join:eco take <player> 100
    - death:spawn <player>
    # Arenas support their own items/bonus items loot tables. See items.yml wiki for more info on how to customize
    # These items/bonus items will override the main plugin's items/bonus items.
    - IRON_HOE 1
    - STONE 1
    - DIRT 1
    # Arenas support per-arena kits. See config.yml wiki for more info on how to customize kits
    # These kits will override the main plugin's kits.
        permission: none
        helmet: LEATHER_HELMET color:red
        chestplate: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE color:red
        leggings: LEATHER_LEGGINGS color:red
        boots: LEATHER_BOOTS color:red
        - DIAMOND_PICKAXE 1 enchant:efficiency:1
        - BOW 1
        - ARROW 16
        permission: none
        helmet: DIAMOND_HELMET
        chestplate: IRON_CHESTPLATE
        leggings: LEATHER_LEGGINGS color:green
        boots: IRON_BOOTS
        - BOW name:&2Lucky_Bow
        - ARROW 64 name:&aLucky_Arrow
        - POTION:HEAL:60:0 2 name:&bHealing_Potion
