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POPStarter Documentation & Stuff / configuration-table

POPStarter Configuration Table – Advanced Settings


This documentation concerns the advanced configuration of POPStarter r13, involving the harcoding (or the patch-on-load) of settings to the POPStarter ELF/KELF…

The POPStarter r13 ELF and KELF have a 32 bytes long configuration table, starting from the offset $410 (or 1040 in decimal).

Default values :


Caution : Unless you know exactly what it is for and what you’re doing, please don’t tamper with it. Hexediting of that stuff is for advanced users only. Make a backup of the default config before you start changing values.

Offset Description Values Notes
$410 Display of the debug texts/pages 0×00 = disables the debug printing
0×01 < X < 0xFF = defines the delay between each page of texts The higher the value is, the longer the delay is
0xFF = the debug texts are displayed in realtime without delay (like in POPStarter 12 and lower)
$411 Break the POPStarter execution after an error has occured 0×00 = POPStarter prints the error message for a short time, then it kicks the user to the OSD.
0×0X POPStarter prints the error message and sleeps on that screen indefinitely
$412 SetGsCrt hack 0×00 = disabled (default)
0×01 = enabled Helps with the HDTVs that can’t deal with the interlaced resolutions thru component (plain green screens and other rubbish displayed otherwise).
$413 USB access delay, after the execution of the POPStarter embedded USB modules 0×02 should be fine. Increase the value if POPStarter fails to access your USB device
$414 RESERVED (in USB operation mode) Must be 0×40
$415 User ID for individual VMCs If set to 0×00, the function is disabled. For assigning an ID to the couple of VMC, the value must be an ASCII character of “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8” or “9”
$416 POPS dev9 module loading (in USB operation mode) 0×00 = Let POPS load it Default is 0×03. If you need to wake the NIC up (for debugging stuff for example), set this to 0×00
0×03 = Forbids its loading
$418 Force a single compatibility mode 0×00 = No compatibility mode is forced
0×0X = the respective compatibility mode is forced and the automatic activator gets disabled
$419 Force a single compatibility mode 0×00 = No compatibility mode is forced
0×0X = the respective compatibility mode is forced and the automatic activator gets disabled
$41A Force a single compatibility mode 0×00 = No compatibility mode is forced
0×0X = the respective compatibility mode is forced and the automatic activator gets disabled
$41B Force a single compatibility mode 0×00 = No compatibility mode is forced
0×0X = the respective compatibility mode is forced and the automatic activator gets disabled
$41C Force a single compatibility mode 0×00 = No compatibility mode is forced
0×0X = the respective compatibility mode is forced and the automatic activator gets disabled
$41D Force a single compatibility mode 0×00 = No compatibility mode is forced
0×0X = the respective compatibility mode is forced and the automatic activator gets disabled
$41E Force a single compatibility mode 0×00 = No compatibility mode is forced
0×0X = the respective compatibility mode is forced and the automatic activator gets disabled
$41F Force a single compatibility mode 0×00 = No compatibility mode is forced
0×0X = the respective compatibility mode is forced and the automatic activator gets disabled
$420 Patch the genuine HDD check 0×00 = Don’t patch Totally useless. When running in a PS2, a homebrew ATAD is used. When running in a PSX, the original POPS ATAD is used. Leave it to 0×01
0×01 = Patch
$421 Loading and execution of the OSD shell of the POPS built-in BIOS 0×00 = Load in the user memory and execute (don’t patch anything) 0×01 has the same effect as the compatibility mode 0×06. Skips the CD checks and the PS logo. Both don’t work if the user uses a BIOS.BIN
0×01 = Don’t load, don’t execute
$422 Exception breakpoints control 0×00 = Break the emulator (don’t patch anything) 0×01 NOPs the break instructions of the 2nd-stage exception handler, allowing the user to trigger IGR after the emulation has crashed (in a few cases)
0×01 = Don’t break the emulator
$423 Original SLBB-00001 disc0 integrity check control 0×00 = Don’t skip the integrity check
0×01 = Skip the integrity check
$424 IGR exit method 0×00 = Original SLBB-00001+PSBBN method 0×00 causes the emulator to read the MBR by its own, without flushing the cache and without resetting the IOP. Crashy for most users.
0×01 = POPStarter r13 method
$425 IOPCD stack size (in USB operation mode) 0×00 = Don’t patch
0×01 = Patch
$426 Delcro’s patches (in USB operation mode) 0×00 = Don’t apply those to POPS
0×01 = Apply those to POPS
$427 Emulator modules loading failure 0×00 = Don’t patch (Kick to the PS2 OSD) For your h4×0ring needz. . Patch it so you no longer have to care about the returned code of your injected IRX.
0×01 = Patch (Ignore and continue)
$428 Internal HDD initialization failure 0×00 = Don’t patch (Kick to the PS2 OSD) For your h4×0ring needz.
0×01 = Patch (Ignore and continue)
$429 Virtual Memory Cards control 0×00 = Use both VMCs
0×01 = Don’t use VMCs at all
0×02 = Use just the first VMC in the first virtual slot
$42A Automatic PAL patch upon European VCD recognition 0×00 = Disabled The Automatic PAL Patcher of POPStarter expects “Euro” at the offset $102514 of the VCD
0×01 = Enabled
0×02 = Force 480p
$42B Resident modules loader 0×00 = Disabled POPS/MODULE_0.IRX POPS/MODULE_1.IRX… up to POPS/MODULE_9.IRX. Are executed AFTER the IOP gets reset with IOPRP252.IMG, for Great Justice.
0×01 = Enabled
$42C Software PowerOff fix 0×00 = Disabled Can’t remember what it is. Perhaps it’s a redundant option of a deimplemented function… Prolific, mass ?
0×01 = Enabled
$42D IGR textures loader 0×00 = Disabled POPS/IGR_BG.TM2 POPS/IGR_NO.TM2 POPS/IGR_YES.TM2
0×01 = Enabled
$42E Game license/region check of the POPS built-in BIOS 0×00 = Leave unpatched The patch just NOPs the loop. The PS logo is not shown when a non-JAP game is run.
0×01 = Patch it so it does not loop the check when the VCD isn’t NTSC J
$42F POPStarter automatic compatibility mode activator 0×00 = Do not enable anything If set to 0×03 and a compatibility mode is forced, it will be changed to 0×02 automatically (applies the forced modes and not the automatic ones)
0×01 = Enable the automatic compatibility modes activation
0×02 = Enable the other subroutines (like LibCrypt cracks, when available)
0×03 = Enable all
0×04 = Enable “test mode” “Test mode” disables per-game fixes, automated compatibility modes, LibCrypt fixes, and enables integrated test-hacks


