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POPStarter Documentation & Stuff / igr-textures

[IGR] Make your own IGR textures

Based on infos shared by arkl1t32 @ASSEMblergames

Software requirements :

  • A graphic editor, such as Photoshop or GIMP ;
  • A TIM2 editor, such as OPTPiX iMageStudio;
  • A hex editor, such as HxD.

Sample files : here.

Included :

  • PSD file with guidelines ;
  • 3 image files, as .bmp ;
  • 3 image files, as .TM2 ;
  • static & animated previews ;
  • IGR replacement, compiled as PATCH_1.BIN file.


1. Using your favorite graphic editor, create 3 .bmp files with the above dimensions :

- IGR_BG : 400 × 260 px


- IGR_YES & IGR_NO : 74 × 34 px


Use the PSD file with guidelines if need to crop properly.


2. Open these 3 files with a TM2 editor & save them as .TM2 files ;

3. Open IGR_YES.TM2 and IGR_NO.TM2 with a hex editor and delete the last 8 digits in last offset (1D80) ;


4. You can either :
- place your .TM2 files as they are in the POPS folder (named as IGR_BG.TM2, IGR_NO.TM2 & IGR_YES.TM2) ;
- [optionnal step] compiled them as a PATCH_#.BIN ;

5. If you want to compile them as PATCH_#.BIN, use toolbox command ;

toolbox.exe -igrpix "background.tm2" "no_button.tm2 "yes_button.tm2"

6. Place your PATCH_#.BIN file into POPS folder.

Result :


Feel free to submit it @ASSEMblergames and it will be added to the wiki.

If you want to submit language versions :

1. Do you want to return to the PlayStation®2 main menu ?
2. Warning all unsaved data will be lost!
3. Press O to accept or X to cancel.
4. Yes
5. No
  • FRENCH :
1. Voulez-vous retourner au menu principal de la PlayStation®2 ?
2. Attention : toutes les données non sauvegardées seront perdues.
3. Appuyer sur O pour valider ou sur X pour annuler.
4. Oui
5. Non
  • GERMAN :
1. Möchten Sie POPStarter verlassen ?
2. Nicht gespeicherte Daten gehen verloren !
3. (untranslated)
4. Ja
5. Nein
  • POLISH :
1. Czy chcesz powrócić do głównego menu PlayStation®2?
2. Uwaga, wszystkie niezapisane dane zostaną utracone!
3. Wciśnij O by potwierdzić, X by anulować.
4. Tak
5. Nie
1. Você deseja retornar para o menu principal do Playstation®2?
2. Alterta: Todos os dados que não forem salvos, serão perdidos!
3. (untranslated)
4. Sim
5. Não
1. ¿Deseas volver al menú principal de Playstation®2?
2. Aviso: ¡Todos los datos que no se hayan guardado se perderán!
3. Pulsa O para aceptar o X para cancelar.
4. Si
5. No


