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Polo Trader Qt

Poloniex API library and usage example using Qt C++

Disclaimer: The author is not affiliated with Poloniex, Inc.


Provided by SoCo

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This library implements most common Poloniex API features. Supported are most public GET API commands, authenticated trade POST API commands not related to margin trading, and the WAMP (WebSockets) push API. The example demonstrates using the library and provides a GUI to test each API request and display the interpreted reply.


This project has completed implementing and basic testing of all targeted features. Documentation is being prepared, while more testing is done.


Quick Start

Building the root Qt project will compile the dynamic linked library "polo" and compile the example executable "polotrade" (i.e. polo.dll and polotrade.exe / and poltrade). There is no installer so running the polotrade will require manually moving the polo library where polotrade can find it.

Enter your Poloniex API key and secret in to the text UI box after running polotrade or execute it with your key and secret provide as command line arguments. Execute polotrade --help for more format details.

Some request or subscribe requests require a specified currency or currency pair. To fill the combo drop boxes with available currencies and currency pairs, first request the tickers by clicking the "Poll Tickers" button.

The two bold text buttons are push API subscribe/unsubscribe controls and will continue to update while enabled"

class PoloHTTP (polo/polohttp.cpp / polo/polohttp.h)

Provides reqestPublic and requestTrade to make the two kinds of Poloneix HTTP API request. Both accept a QMap of string containing the request parameters. They both also require the API URLs to be set with setUrls The requestTrade requests are authenticated and additionally require your Poloniex account's API key and secret tokens to be set with setKeySecret before using. Either the failed or finished signal is emitted when completed. If successful, the reply data is held in a QJsonDocument object accessible with jsonReply.

class PoloWSS (polo/polowss.cpp / polo/polowss.h)

Provides subscribe and unsubscribing to tickers and specific orderbooks to a continually updating stream of pushed data. This is done with a QWebSocket and replies with signals passing the JSON reply as a parameter.

class Polo (polo/polo.cpp / polo/polo.h)

Provides API command specific request functions and parses the JSON reply into Qt containers such as lists or maps. Polo keeps one PoloWSS object, but instantiates another PoloHTTP object for each request that is deleted after its reply is processed.
