
Clone wiki

MarvelousGA / Features


Highliting of giveaways on dashboard:

  1. Green - You participated in this giveaway

  2. Red - You haven't got the key from this giveaway

  3. Yellow - Data is loading

Highliting of tasks:

  1. Blue - Non-Steam task

  2. Yellow - Steam data loading

  3. Green - You already joined this group

  4. Red - You have not joined this group yet

  5. Purple - Required task (PointsPrizes, Twitch)

Quick Join/Leave buttons:

You can join or leave any group in list with one click

! This buttons only appear when user data is loaded. Wait few seconds for it

Interacting with clipboard:

You can click on key field to quickly copy your key to clipboard

Multiple accounts support:

You can use as many steam accounts as you want
