Release Burndown Chart data incorrect

Issue #16 resolved created an issue

When I create a Burndown Chart, I choose end date 22/08/2018. Then I get the chart with remaining story points is 7, that is incorrect, the correct is 5. We also can see the points in Sprint Burndown Gadget. It seems the end time of Burndown Chart and Sprint Burndown Gadget is different, even if their end date is same.Snipaste_2018-08-22_16-31-22.pngSnipaste_2018-08-22_16-23-30.pngSnipaste_2018-08-22_16-36-22.png

Comments (7)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner


    If you want to track the sprint progress, please use our Sprint Burnup Burndown Chart instead of Release Sprint Burnup Burndown Chart. See!sprint-burnup-burndown-chart

    There are some differences between the two gadgets especially in the way they filter the issues used for doing the calculation, which might cause the difference that you observed. For example, the release burndown chart filters issues by dates (more exactly beginning/end of the specified dates) while the sprint burndown chart filters by the exact datetime when the sprint was started and closed.

    Please try the Sprint Burnup Burdown Gadget as recommended and let us know how the chart looks like.

  2. reporter

    Thank you Danut ! Sorry, I know the Sprint Burndown Chart is OK. But sometimes the Sprint can not match our requirement, so we still need the Release Burndown Chart. What I really want to know is, when I use Release Burndown Chart how should I choose the date can make the data correct. On other words, when I choose some day as the start/end date, what the exact time your script choose to use?0:00, 6:00, 12:00, 24:00 or other time? Is the time relate with timezone?

  3. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi. The Release Burndown Chart gadget uses beginning of day for Start Date and end of day for the End Date while the Sprint Burndown Chart gadgets uses the start date and the end date of the sprint. Even if you try to set the, they will never match of the dates of the sprint. And there are other differences in the issues are determined and the calculation behind. That's why we do not recommend using Release Burndown Chart to track a sprint. You can try but be aware that calculations might differ.

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