Add multi-field math to Issue Filter Formula Gadget

Issue #79 resolved
Bill Sheboy created an issue


The math function feature of the Issue Filter Formula Gadget is of great help. What would make it even better is if the displayed value (x) could be computed based upon math for multiple Jira issue fields.

A use case for this would be dividing the values of two fields, such as some business value forecast and some age of WIP forecast, indicating how “best by date” value is degrading for an unresolved issue.

A bonus feature might be to sum/average the values of children issues for an item, without the need to use custom fields, automation, or add-on scripting tools.

Comments (6)

  1. Ted Lorenzen

    Agreed. Say you have both a Story Point field and a Story Point Completed field. If we could calculate using 2 fields, we could show the % complete by performing division on these fields.

  2. Bill Sheboy reporter

    Hi Danut,

    Thanks for that gadget; it is awesome! What do you think of:

    • Expanding the number for field formula results beyond 3? The use case I am thinking of is for WIP, to show Count, Average, Min, and Max together, and that would require 4 values.
    • Adding “median” to the formula choices?
    • For the issue formula gadget, selecting the number opens a browser tab to the filter. Could this gadget do the same for the numbers shown?
    • Adding an option to select the display row for the numbers (top or bottom row)?
    • I noticed that when operating on an empty/null field, the field mask shows rather than blanks (or zero). Is this what you intended to happen? Please see the attached screen image.

    Kind regards,

  3. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    We expanded the gadget to allow up to 6 variables.

    For the median, I suggest creating a different ticket for being tracked separately. We like the idea so we plan to add it in the near future.

    The gadget displays 'NaN' (Not a Number) if the result of the formula cannot be calculated. This can happen in case of division by zero or when one of the variables cannot be calculated (for example, the AVG or MAX on a filter that returns no issues). Documentation has been updated accordingly.

    Adding a link that displays the filter with the issues is tricky here. In the Issue Formula Gadget there was a single filter, so it was clear what link to open. But here, the gadget supports up to 6 filters and it is not clear what filter to open if the number clicked in the gadget is the result of a formula with two or more variables, like 'a + b', for instance.

    Thank you,


  4. Bill Sheboy reporter

    Thanks, Danut!

    I added a suggestion for the median calculation:

    And thank for explaining your thinking around the filter display and complexities involved. The teams really liked that feature for the single-measure display, so I’ll ponder a bit to see if I can find a balance to the data/filter access and the great compressed view the new gadget provides.

    Kind regards,

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