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Project Team / 110

Project Team version 1.1.0.jira50x, 1.1.0.jira4x

The content of this page applies to the following versions of Project Team:

  • v. 1.1.0.jira50x for JIRA 5.0 - 5.0.7
  • v. 1.1.0.jira4x for JIRA 4.3 - 4.4.5

What's new in this version?

  • Display mode configurable by user
    The users can now choose the team display mode by themselves through the newly added “Display mode” dropdown list in the top–right corner of the Project Team tab.

Current display mode selection

  • The description of the project roles can now be displayed in a tooltip
    As an administrator you can now choose to display the description of the project roles in a tooltip. When the user moves the mouse over the name of a project role the tooltip will be shown. By default, this option is disabled. You can enable it via plugin configuration.

Project role description tooltip

  • UI and functional improvements
    A couple of UI and functional improvements were implemented in this version.

What Project Team does?

The plugin adds a new tab named "Project Team" on which the team members are displayed along with their project roles as they are defined and configured by the JIRA or project admin. The team can be displayed in two different modes, depending on the user's selection.

Project team displayed by members

In this mode each team member is listed along with its full name, username, avatar, email address and project role(s). You can click the username to see the profile of the user.

The project team displayed by members

JIRA Project Admin displayed on top of the page represents the JIRA user that usually has admin rights on the project and can, for instance, add new components or new versions to the project.

This mode is used when Display mode is set to By members. The size of the avatar (small or large) can also be changed in the plugin configuration page (see Configuring the plugin settings).

Project team displayed by project roles

In this mode each role defined in the project is listed along with its members. You can click the username to see the profile of the user.

The project team displayed by project roles

JIRA Project Admin displayed on top of the page represents the JIRA user that usually has admin rights on the project and can, for instance, add new components or new versions to the project.

This mode is used when Display Mode is set to By roles.

Changing the display mode

The user can change the display mode via the Display mode dropdown list from the top-right corner of the Project Team project tab.

Current display mode selection

If the user never changed the display mode, the default display mode configured in the Plugin Configuration Settings page is used.

Installing Project Team

Project Team is a deployable plugin, composed by a single JAR file, which can be installed directly from the Universal Plugin Manager (UPM).

But, if you manually downloaded the JAR file by accessing the plugin's Download link from Marketplace, follow the next steps to install it:

  • Log on in JIRA as an administrator
  • Go to Administration
  • Go to Plugins menu and click Plugins to open UPM page
  • Go to Install tab
  • Click Upload Plugin
  • Select the JAR file of Project Team
  • Click Upload to start the installation. When the installation is done, a confirmation message is displayed.

The plugin is not fully functional at this time. You must obtain and activate a trial or commercial license in order to use Project Team. See Activating the plugin license.

Activating the plugin license

In order to run the Project Team plugin you need a trial or a commercial license. You can purchase Project Team on the Marketplace or through the Universal Plugin Manager (UPM). Once you obtained a license code you must activate it. License activation steps are dependant by the version of Universal Plugin Manager (UPM) installed on your JIRA instance.

License activation when UPM is 2.0 or newest

If you have Universal Plugin Manager (UPM) 2.0 or newest, follow the next steps to activate Project Team license:

  • Log on in JIRA as an administrator
  • Go to Administration
  • Go to Plugins menu and click Plugins to open UPM page
  • Locate and expand the Project Team plugin under User-installed Plugins
  • Enter the license code in the Enter the new license field
  • Click Update. If your license is valid a confirmation message is displayed on top of the page.

License activation in UPM

License activation when UPM is older than 2.0

If you have Universal Plugin Manager (UPM) older than 2.0, follow the next steps to activate Project Team license:

  • Log on in JIRA as an administrator
  • Go to Administration
  • Go to Plugins menu and click Licensing under Project Team Plugin
  • On the Licensing tab enter the license code in the Enter the new license field
  • Click Update. If your license is valid a confirmation message is displayed on top of the page.

License activation in Project Team admin section

Configuring the plugin settings

To configure the Project Team plugin settings follow the next steps:

  • Log on in JIRA as an administrator
  • Go to Administration
  • Go to Plugins menu and click Configuration under Project Team Plugin
  • On the Configuration tab, change the settings as you want. See the table bellow for a complete description of the available settings.
  • Click Save to apply the settings

Plugin configuration settings

Default display modeThis option indicates how the team is displayed on the Project Team tab if a display mode was not yet selected by the user.
There are two options available:
By members – displays the members of the team along with their e-mail address and project roles. This is the default option.
By roles – displays the roles of the project and their members.
Not displayed project rolesYou may want not to display some of the project roles. For instance, those project roles that are only used for granting permissions on the project or for notification schemes.
Check the roles that you don’t want to be displayed on the Project Team tab. All the project roles defined in JIRA are listed.
Avatar sizeChoose between using large or small avatars. The default value is Use large avatars.
This option only applies when the current display mode is By members.
Other display optionsCheck Display the project roles description in tooltip if you want the description of the project role to be displayed in a tooltip when the user moves the mouse over a project role. This option is by default unchecked.
Check Display the indirect members of the project roles if you want the indirect members to be shown on the Project Team tab. Indirect members of a project role are those members that were added to the role via a group. This option is by default checked.
