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EFLC-MP LUA / createBlip


Creates a blip for the main and mini maps. Blip sprites can be viewed here (


Float posX, Float posY, Float posZ, Int blipSprite, Int rgba, Int virtualWorld, Int streamDistace, Bool showToAll, String blipName
Float posX: game world X

Float posY: game world Y

Float posZ: game world Z

Int blipSprite: ID of the blip sprite (image)

Int rgba: RGBA color hex the blip will have

Int virtualWorld: the virtual world for which the blip will be displayed

Int streamDistace: 0 will always display on the minimap and 1 will only be displayed if the player is nearby

Bool showToAll: true and the blip will be streamed to all players.

String blipName: Added on Build 11.2

Return values

Int blipId


--Spawns a BLUE Playboy X blip at the center of the map
local blip = createBlip(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 44, 0x0000FFFF, 1, 2000, true);
