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EFLC-MP LUA / drawText


Draws a 2D text on the player screen.

Positions and sizes used by this function are relative to the screen size. Where 0.0 is 0, 0.5 is half and 1.0 is full


Int playerid, int classId, Float screenX, Float screenY, Float sizeX, Float sizeY, String text, Int duration, Int rgba
Int playerid

int classId: Give this any number so you remove the rectangle later. Or use -1 if the duration is higher than 0

Float screenX: screen pos y

Float screenY: screen pos z

Float sizeX: text size x

Float sizeY: text size y

String text: any text with valid GTA format

Int duration: duration in MS or 0 for infinite

Int rgba: RGBA color hex

Return values


drawText(playerid, -1, 0.4, 0.5, 0.2, 0.54, "Hello ~r~Red", 0, 0xFFFFFFFF)
