HPD1 Balance

Issue #54 resolved
Leonardo Valeri Manera repo owner created an issue

Now that HX is finalized, HPD1 and generator need a final balance pass.

Comments (4)

  1. Donziboy2

    The Generator(RTG) and battery are basically giant versions of stock parts... Anyone using Near Future or KSPI will probably toss the generator and battery out for a Nuclear or better reactor. RTG's dont make good large power supplies.

    The HPD1+Generator is still a better deal weight wise then 34 LN-Vs. The dual mode gives it a leg up in that it cant chug itself into orbit provided it does not have an excessive load.

  2. Leonardo Valeri Manera reporter

    I'm not sure about your point re: the generator. I'm not going to add another plugin just for that, so a huge RTG is what it'll be.

    Also, and with the provision that the thrust values, and the mass/power/cost of the generator are quite old because there's been no point in me updating them until the masses of the HX parts were finalized, just the URC generator will (currently) set you back 1.85m kerbobucks. 34 LV-Ns are less than 300k, and have better TWR (assuming you could find the place to put them).

    Its normal for combined-mode engines to be better than one of each. Its the way the SABREs have always been, and how Squad 'balanced' (and I use the term in the loostest of senses) the RAPIER when they did their half-assed copy of our engine.

    Anyway, tomorrow or the day after I'll redo the values, and then the discussion becomes meaningful :)

  3. Donziboy2

    I'm not saying you need to add anything im just pointing out what I see. When given the choice between 34 LN-V's and 10FPS or 1 giant engine I know what I will pick.

    And I know its still a WIP I am just trying to give feedback on what is currently there. I'm just pointing out some pro's and con's. Cost is one of those iffy things also, you can install ELP and everything is free, it costs time, which LMAO is the true cost for every game. How much time you want to spend.

    When it comes to Squad 'balanced' its more about them having to cater to everyone, where as mods cater to those who actually want more from KSP.

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