CDP Docking node colliders
Issue #70
Could you enable the collider on the docking port itself when its fully extended?
Otherwise when docking it passes through the other docking node and you never actually dock.
Comments (5)
reporter Nah, popping into existence is fine. :)
If kaboom I'll blame you, kk? :P
reporter I don't see anyone complaining about all the other parts that do that (like, say, all the landing gears) so I'll sleep easy.
reporter - changed status to resolved
CDP Docking Node: Fix colliders so they dont intefere with root part. Resolves issue
#70.→ <<cset 233e020d400d>>
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A suggestion for when you get to it Tav, making the collider of the port "pop" into existence could probably cause hilarious stuff to happen, I suggest making it grow in width as the port extends if part of the collider fits inside the doors but above the base if that makes sense, so that it pushes on something it collides with, instead of clipping through and then going kaboom, growing to get around the problem of the base and port's collisions overlapping.