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Blog / Health Tips for Men at All Ages

Simple Health Steps for Men in Their 20s and 30s

Start a heart-healthy diet and exercise plan If you don't do so already, begin a heart-healthy diet and exercise program. Skip the fatty and fried foods and goal for at least half an hour of exercise every day. Eating well and keeping active are the health gifts that keep on giving. If you get in these habits today, the benefits will last a lifetime.

Work on your connection - with your physician, that is Get to know your health care provider and let your physician get to know you. Things to ask now are: What do you do to keep your body and soul powerful? How do you best avoid STIs ( sexually transmitted infections)?

Know your family health history Does heart disease run in your loved ones? All these are important questions to ask your grandparents and parents while you still can. Why not build a household medical-history tree?

Don't forget crucial screening tests Be sure to carry out monthly self-examinations for esophageal cancer, which is the most common form of cancer in young men. Also, talk to your physician about screening for high blood pressure, higher cholesterol and diabetes. It is never too early to begin protecting your heart and circulation.

All men aged 20 or older should start thinking about getting their blood pressure and cholesterol checked as often as advised by their doctor.

Straightforward Health Steps for Men in Their 40s and 50s

De-stress your life Mid-life is often a very stressful period for many guys, with livelihood, financial and family pressures. And anxiety is an established risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which hits men in a younger age than women.

Heart disease is the No1 killer of men aged 45 to 54 and now is the time to find ways to get that strain off your back, whether it's by routine exercise, meditation, yoga or stress-management courses.

Don't avoid the Physician Ladies tend to see the doctor at least once a year, frequently for contraception. It's easy for men to get out of the habit of routine care, but since you realize mid-life that is one habit you should start, not cease.

The NHS Health Check, sometimes known as a 'wellness MOT', is offered to adults in England once they hit 40 to check their heart health and their risk of creating some preventable disorders.

Deflate the spare tyre Many men tend to lose weight around the middle as they strike mid-life. Watch it closely. Studies have found that spare tyres trump even general obesity as a predictor of heart disease and diabetes.

Don't forget crucial screening tests Speak with your doctor about diabetes screening, particularly if you are overweight and physically inactive, or have a family member with diabetes. A colonoscopy is recommended at regular intervals if you've got a strong family history of bowel cancer.

Simple Health Steps for Men in Their 60s and Above

Use it or lose it As we age, it is important to listen to cognitive function and try to stay mentally alert and aroused. That means keeping your mind busy. Read, do crossword puzzles, socialise, try new principles - perhaps it's finally time to learn French.

Strength training: It's never too late to start In 65, you may believe the heaviest thing you need to lift is the remote. Not correct. We inevitably lose bone mass and versatility with age, however regular strength training (with the approval of your physician, naturally) will keep you on your feet, prevent muscles from atrophying and help you prevent falls and other injuries.

There's still time to stop! If you've been trying for years to kick a heart-damaging habit such as smoking or drinking to excess, do not assume that the harm has already been done, and there's nothing you can do about it. Further damage can be avoided if you quit today. Studies have shown that people who stop smoking in the age of 65 add almost two decades to their lives, reducing their risk of cardiovascular disease and lung cancer.

Do not forget key screening evaluations You'll probably hear a lot about flu jabs, but don't forget the pneumonia vaccination, which you may be advised to get, too. Stay in touch with your doctor to stay on top of regular blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol testing, and maintain the offer of bowel cancer screening.
