No message/signal that an item is unequipable

Issue #45 resolved
Nazarre Merchant created an issue

There is no message or visual signal that an item is unequipable, and the only way to find out if it can be equipped is to click on it (and either fail or succeed to equip it).

Failure to equip feels like a bug, even though it’s not, because nothing happens when you click on an unequippable item, and many items, at a quick glance, seem identical – it took me a bit of work to deduce that my character can’t wear ‘small’ items, but can wear ‘medium’.

Comments (6)

  1. Jochen Terstiege

    We have added some markers to show if items can be:

    • never equipped (red)
    • currently can't be equipped (yellow)
    • can be equipped (green)
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