Potion of mana essence doesn't work

Issue #725 resolved
Kevin Coghlan created an issue

I tried drinking a potion of mana essence, and saw a bugged message: “The potion of mana essence feels more attuned to Ancardia’s mystical energies!“ - as though the potion itself was targeted by its effect, rather than my character. The message is visible in the log of the attached screenshot.

Strange message aside, I didn’t notice any change in stats from drinking the potion either.

Comments (8)

  1. Kevin Coghlan reporter

    This might be a more specific problem than in the original ticket, since I have noticed that some stat gain potions do seem to work as intended in the current UADOM build - but not this one.

  2. Jochen Terstiege

    I’ve fixed the message.

    Please note that there are two mana related potions:

    • potion of mana: increases your mana stat by +2
    • potion of mana essence: shortens the power point recovery interval
  3. Kevin Coghlan reporter

    Ah, thanks for clarifying Jochen - so like a potion of raw mana from original ADOM. I didn’t realise. I’m used to seeing potions in UADOM ending with “juice” or “essence” and so forth, so I mentally trimmed off the “essence” and presumed that it was a potion of mana.

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