Lanun food bonuses

Issue #345 resolved
joseasoler repo owner created an issue

[QUOTE=False Dead;14429516]1) Should the Lanun food bonus for water tiles really be tied to the Lanun Palace? I ask because as Decius of the Calabim I conquered Dunwich, and Built a Lanun Palace there to improve all my cities food uptake. Maybe tie it to Seahaven? [/QUOTE]

I guess it was implemented like that because it was the easiest way to give a bonus to all Lanun cities. Now that we have support for civilization specific yields (for example, they give extra food on ice to Illians, and extra food on swamps to the Clan), it would make more sense to grant the Lanun this benefit by using them directly. If it is implemented like this, then a Tolerant leader that conquers a Lanun city will keep the food bonus on water plots for that city (as civilization specific yields are also adopted by Tolerant leaders), but they will not be able to propagate that bonus to any other cities.

Comments (1)

  1. joseasoler reporter

    Change: The Lanun bonus for getting more food at sea is now tied to the civilization instead of to the palace. This means that a Tolerant leader that conquers a Lanun city will get the food bonus immediately, but it will no longer be able to build a Lanun Palace to get the bonus in ALL cities (formerly Lanun or not) (resolves #345)

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