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Loot Overhaul / Loot Conditions - Biome Type

Loot Conditions - Biome Type


Property Type Description
biome_type String or String List The forge biome types (like SANDY, HILLS, LUSH, etc.)


Will pass if in one of these biome types, as defined in {@link BiomeDictionary.Type}. For a list of what biomes have what biome types, see config/Loot Overhaul/Useful Info/Biomes.txt

Example Usage: (only applies if in a biome considered spooky, dead, or nether)

"conditions": [
        "condition": "lootoverhaul:biome_type",
        "biome_type": [
Or use 'biome_type' with a single biome type: (applies in any sandy biomes (like deserts))
"conditions": [
        "condition": "lootoverhaul:biome_type",
        "biome_type": "SANDY"

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