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Loot Overhaul / Loot Functions - Enchantments

Loot Functions - Enchantments


Property Type Description
enchantment Enchantment Object or Enchantment Object List List of potential enchantments to generate.
enchantment -> {} -> name String The name of the enchantment, like minecraft:silk_touch.
enchantment -> {} -> level Integer The level of the enchantment. (Optional, defaults to 1)
number_to_generate Integer or Integer Range How many enchantments from the list to generate (Optional, defaults to 1)
replace String Optional string to replace in the nbt instead of generating a new tag. (Optional)


Adds enchantments to the item. More of a convenience, since modded enchantment ids change between worlds, and enchantments on items still use numerical ids for some reason.

Example Usage:

Adds silk touch

"functions": [
        "function": "lootoverhaul:enchantments",
        "enchantment": {
            "name": "minecraft:silk_touch"
Also can take a list of enchantments to choose randomly between. Will add 2 of sharpness, smite, or bane of arthropods enchantment with level 1-3:
"functions": [
        "function": "lootoverhaul:enchantments",
        "enchantment": [
                "name": "minecraft:sharpness",
                "level": {
                    "min": 1,
                    "max": 3
                "name": "minecraft:smite",
                "level": {
                    "min": 1,
                    "max": 3
                "name": "minecraft:bane_of_arthropods",
                "level": {
                    "min": 1,
                    "max": 3
         "number_to_generate": 2
If replace is set, instead of generating a new enchantment list, it will try replacing the given string with an enchantment tag. Example: An enchantment book with silk touch, mending, or efficiency
"functions": [
            "function": "set_nbt",
            "tag": "{StoredEnchantments:\"#GeneratedEnchantments\"}"
        "function": "lootoverhaul:enchantments",
        "enchantment": [
                "name": "minecraft:silk_touch"
                "name": "minecraft:mending"
                "name": "minecraft:efficiency",
                "level": {
                    "min": 1,
                    "max": 5
         "replace": "\"#GeneratedEnchantments\""

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