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Quality Tools Wiki
Thank you for downloading quality tools! This wiki is here to give you more info about editing the quality and reforging config files.
Both these configs use JSON format (like a few other things in minecraft nowdays), so you must make sure it follows the right format, or they won't load! You can paste your json files into to make sure they don't have any syntax errors!
Reforging Materials
In the reforging materials.json file, you can add more materials to use to reforge your tools, weapons, and armor in the reforging anvil. It will automatically use any repair items for the tools/etc., but in case there is no repair item, you can add an entry here with the item of your choice.
Here is the basic format:
[ { "tool": "any", <-- Putting "any" will make it work for any reforgable tool, as a catch-all for anything that isn't normally reforgable. "material": { "item": "minecraft:diamond.", <-- Put an item here. Requires this or ore_dict. "ore_dict": "gemDiamond", <-- Put an ore dictionary entry here. Requires this or item. "meta": 0, <-- Damage value of the item. Optional. Defaults to any damage. "tag": "{display:{Name:Shiny}}" <-- Tag that should be on the item. Optional. } }, { "tool": { "item": "minecraft:diamond_hoe.", <-- Put an item here. Required. "meta": 0, <-- Damage value of the item. Optional. Defaults to any damage. "tag": "{display:{Name:Betty}}" <-- Tag that should be on the item. Optional. } }, "material": { "item": "minecraft:diamond.", <-- Put an item here. Requires this or ore_dict. "ore_dict": "gemDiamond", <-- Put an ore dictionary entry here. Requires this or item. "meta": 0, <-- Damage value of the item. Optional. Defaults to any damage. "tag": "{display:{Name:Shiny}}" <-- Tag that should be on the item. Optional. } }, { etc... you can keep adding more entries. } ]
Here's an example:
[ { "tool": "any", "material": { "comment": "reforge anything with nether stars named Super Star", "item": "minecraft:nether_star", "tag": "{display:{Name:\"Super Star\"}}" } }, { "tool": { "item": "baubles:ring" }, "material": { "comment": "reforge the baubles miner ring with Lapis Lazuli", "item": "dye", "meta": 4 } }, { "tool": { "item": "minecraft:bow" }, "material": { "comment": "reforge bows with any wooden planks registered in the ore dictionary", "ore_dict": "plankWood" } } ]
In the Qualities folder, you can add qualities for different tool types, or edit the existing files.
Here is the basic format:
{ "slot": [ "mainhand", <-- Put the slots here that the item should apply its effect in. For swords, this should be mainhand, for armor, its armor slot, etc. "offhand" <-- Possible values are mainhand, offhand, inventory, head, chest, legs, feet, horse, baubes_trinket (applies for any baubles slot), baubles_amulet, baubles_ring, baubles_belt, baubles_head, baubles_body, and baubles_charm ], "whitelist": [ <-- Whitelist of items to generate these qualities for. { "class": "ItemBow", <-- The java class of the item. Not so useful if you don't know it, but is more likely to be compatible with mods, at least for vanilla items. Requires this or item. "item": "minecraft:bow", <-- The item to apply the effect to. Requires this or class. "meta": 0, <-- Damage value of the item. Optional. Defaults to any damage. "tag": "{display:{Name:Betty}}" <-- Tag that should be on the item. Optional. }, { etc.. add more items to the whitelist. } ], "blacklist": [ <-- Blacklist of items which should not have these qualities. Same as the whitelist. ], "qualities": [ { "name": "normal", <-- the 'normal' modifier won't apply any attribute modifiers to the item "weight": 10 <-- Weight of this entry. The higher this is, the more likely it will be chosen. Optional. Defaults to 1. }, { "name": "", <-- Name of the quality. I have translated names here, but you can add just regular names here. Required. "color": "dark_gray", <-- Color of the text to display for the quality. Optional. Defaults to "white" "weight": 5, <-- Weight of this entry. The higher this is, the more likely it will be chosen. Optional. Defaults to 1. "attributes": [ <-- List of attributes to apply for this quality. Required. See for more info about operations and such. { "name": "potioncore.projectileDamage", <-- Name of the attribute modifier. Required. "amount": -0.15, <-- Amount that this modifier will modify. Required. "operation": 2 <-- Operation that this modifier will apply. Optional. Defaults to 0. }, { etc... you can keep adding attribute modifiers here. } ] }, { etc... add more qualities here. } }
Here's an example: assume it is in a file called flint and steel.json
{ "slot": [ "mainhand" ], "whitelist": [ { "item": "minecraft:flint_and_steel" } ], "blacklist": [ ], "qualities": [ { "name": "Stunted", "color": "dark_gray", "weight": 10, "attributes": [ { "name": "potioncore.reach", "amount": -2, "operation": 0 } ] }, { "name": "normal", "weight": 20 }, { "name": "Extended", "color": "aqua", "weight": 10, "attributes": [ { "name": "potioncore.reach", "amount": 2, "operation": 0 } ] } ] }