Data ticker in lower-right corner showing details of spot mouse currently hovering over

Issue #16 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

Personally, I find tool-tips somewhat obtrusive. They're slow, they get in the way, you can't copy them, and they can be hard to make go away when you don't want to see them. So instead, I was thinking that a pane in the lower right corner showing information about a spot, like mentioned in issue #12, could be displayed for the specific spot the cursor is currently hovered over. It would change as the cursor moves and give immediate information.

Comments (8)

  1. Christopher Keil repo owner

    I agree with your points and this was actually implemented in the very beginning. Anastasia preferred tooltips at the time, so maybe we should have a chat about it and discuss advantages and disadvantages of both approaches. I find a data ticker to be more convenient and you don't have to deal with the Java tooltip issues such as slow rendering and 'flickering' when moving the cursor.

  2. Christopher Keil repo owner

    resolves #16; reimplemented data ticker with most basic info (can be extended) and replaced the tooltip effect which was awful on OSX (flickering). Refactored MessagePanel class for this purpose and reimplemented getStatus() method for ModelViews

    → <<cset aae93577b129>>

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