Warning for "nothing found" after search

Issue #180 closed
Anastasia Baryshnikova created an issue

Sometimes it's hard to figure out if the search didn't find anything or if the found area is just too small to be seen (if the matrix is very big). The old Treeview had the same issue too. Should we have a message or some visual clue when the search truly didn't find anything?

Comments (10)

  1. Robert Leach

    Not a bad idea. The code I developed to add a circle around small selections might be able to be applied to this, however the search can result in a discontiguous selection, which makes it a good bit more complex.

    Actually, I was thinking about the circle code the other day. I haven't tried it in a scaled down/small matrix. I should probably change that code to be based on the pixel size of the visible area as opposed to the number of indexes viewed.

  2. Robert Leach

    Resolves issue #180. When there is nothing found, the search box text switches to a red color.

    New typing switches the search box text back to black until enter is typed again to initiate the search.

    → <<cset 65fb61d395a2>>

  3. Robert Leach

    Resolves issue #180. When there is nothing found, the search box text switches to a red color.

    New typing switches the search box text back to black until enter is typed again to initiate the search.

    → <<cset 65fb61d395a2>>

  4. Robert Leach
    • changed status to open

    The merge with master, which had other new code, broke the original implementation of this issue. PR 28 should re-fix the issue.

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