Subsequent searches not working properly

Issue #207 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

I might get around to entering a screen recording of this, but the search is not working the way I originally implemented it. Here are some of the various issues I encountered:

  1. Hitting enter in the gene search is sometimes not updating the search result highlights.
  2. Searching 1 dimension when zoomed in is not expanding the selection to that entire dimension. It's only going part-way.
  3. After searching arrays, going back to search genes does not update the selected results or even sometimes updates them incorrectly.

Whatever's going on, it's behaving very weirdly, whether you select an item from the drop-down or not.

I'm going to assign this to alpha02, because we can't put this in front of users.

Comments (11)

  1. Robert Leach reporter

    I swear I had added a comment with additional descriptions of weird search behavior, but they're not here... Regardless, I'm going to see if I can compare old code with new and see if I can figure out what the overall trouble is. Perhaps it's a simple fix.

  2. Robert Leach reporter

    OK, so I am comparing behavior of the search after the newest features were added and have confirmed some discrepancies.

    1. (1) mentioned above is reproducible, but it appears to only be for the top search box. If you have searched columns and get a result and then try to search rows again, the results do not update.
    2. (2) appears to be a reversion to previous behavior where the search result of one dimension is limited to what was previously selected (even if the user changes the search field contents).
    3. (3) could be interpreted as a duplicate of #1, but sometimes a user can change the row search and column search strings and when they hit enter in one, the search for the other yields whatever was previously in the box instead of what is currently in the box.

    Also, some behaviors should probably change in this new layout:

    1. (4) If a user selects an item from the select list, the results should show up immediately. In fact, I think live updating of the search results would be more gratifying for the user.
    2. (5) While working in this code, I could also lay the groundwork for issue #206 (searching all kinds of labels (GID, NAME, etc.) instead of just the ones that are displayed.
    3. (6) Removing the row or column search string and hitting return clears out all search results instead of using the search string in the opposing field.

    So after looking more closely into this issue, it appears that most of it has to do with what the enter key should do as opposed to a change of previous behavior. However, the reverted behavior of limiting the search result to what was previously selected is reproducible. I confirmed that the jar produced on 1/8/2015 did not behave that way upon hitting return, so I might need to compare old code for that issue. Another angle on this is what should happen upon selection of an item in the drop-down list.

    The older code could also definitely be streamlined. My previous work on it was more of a clumsy addition instead of an integrated behavior. I was still getting used to my surroundings.

  3. Robert Leach reporter

    So I just implemented showing the selection in the overview panel and I discovered that some of the erroneous search behavior might have to do with the InteractiveMatrixView code because after implementing the selection drawing, I noted that searches that show the wrong or incomplete results in the interactive matrix DO show results in the GlobalMatrixView. See this screen shot. The globalMatrixView shows the correct search results and the interactive does not...


  4. Robert Leach reporter

    Here's another example. The first search for rows resulted in an incorrect highlight in both matrices (though the highlight in the interactive matrix was not updated):


    Subsequently, I searched the columns, got a correct result in both matrices, cleared the column search (which incorrectly cleared all highlights), and then hit enter in the row search box again and got a correct/expected result:


    There appears to be a few issues demonstrated in these examples (items 1, 2, & 6 above).

  5. Robert Leach reporter

    I believe I have resolved items 1 & 3. There was a missing repaint for row searches.

    Items 2 & 6 are related to the same issue (not using both search fields for a search).

    Item 4 is important because the user doesn't expect selecting an item from the select list to not highlight anything.

    Item 5 is an enhancement/bonus.

    It might be nice to allow an alt/option-return to search only the rows/cols and not update the opposing dimension. That would be an easter egg...

  6. Robert Leach reporter

    Items 1 & 3 in the list have been resolved. The other 4 items (amended in the comments) will be entered as separate issues.

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