Change default GENE##X/ARRAY##X to "ROW##X/COL##X"

Issue #214 resolved
Robert Leach created an issue

People might not be working with genes & arrays or might even load them in the opposite orientations, so I think that when we auto-generate row & column labels, we should change them to generic "row" and "col" instead of gene/array in the strings.

E.g. Change this default:




Comments (9)

  1. Christopher Keil repo owner

    Let's do this when all current branches are merged. In the process of updates I have already changed a bunch of method, variable and class names. Going to adapt this in the UI as well.

  2. Christopher Keil repo owner
    • changed status to open

    We have brought up and talked about this issue in at least 2 previous CCB meetings, so I will set this to open and begin work.

  3. Christopher Keil repo owner

    Final adaptations for changing axis IDs from old GENE/ ARRY to new ROW/ COL

    Changed the access modifier of the static variables describing axis ID names in ClusterController so that they can actually be accessed by other classes. Changed the axis ID name references in HierCluster to set the correct labels to be used in ClusterFileGenerator and when generating the tree file (atr/ gtr) in HierCluster. Adapted regex for recognizing common labels in PreviewLoader to look for the new axis prefixes.

    Resolves: #214 See also: #321

    → <<cset 4d56024a2e70>>

  4. Christopher Keil repo owner

    Final adaptations for changing axis IDs from old GENE/ ARRY to new ROW/ COL

    Changed the access modifier of the static variables describing axis ID names in ClusterController so that they can actually be accessed by other classes. Changed the axis ID name references in HierCluster to set the correct labels to be used in ClusterFileGenerator and when generating the tree file (atr/ gtr) in HierCluster. Adapted regex for recognizing common labels in PreviewLoader to look for the new axis prefixes.

    Resolves: #214 See also: #321

    → <<cset 4d56024a2e70>>

  5. Anastasia Baryshnikova

    This seems to be working, but the name of the ROWX column and the COLX row is still GID and AID (reminiscent of the GENEX and ARRAYX naming system). Is that how we'd like to leave it? Or should we changed it to RID and CID?

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