Any search execution from either search field should utilize both search fields' contents

Issue #233 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

If a user enters a search term, hits tab (or shift-tab) to the next (or previous) search field, and initiates a search, the values in both fields should be used in the search.

Here's an example of the current behavior:

Removing the row or column search string and hitting return clears out all search results instead of using the search string in the opposing field.

It might also be nice to allow an alt/option-return to search only the rows/cols and not update the opposing dimension. And/or a modifier key could search only within the current selection. These would be easter eggs...

Comments (9)

  1. Robert Leach reporter

    Resolves issue #233.

    I added a layer in front of seekAll. Basically, all seekAll does now is initiates the search in both the finder box it belongs to and the companion's finder box (rows & columns together). All the original code from seekAll is now in seekAllHelper, which seekAll calls.

    I had to add a handle into the companion finder box so that each finder box can initiate the search in its partner's box. I utilized existing code. Although the overall design to do it this way is not ideal, it was easy to do and straightforward. One MUST set the companion after having instatiated 2 finder boxes by calling setCompanionBox. That is done in DendroView.

    I added a couple new methods for convenience and readability: getSearchTerm & isSearchTermEntered.

    → <<cset c9ca5566ab44>>

  2. Robert Leach reporter

    Resolves issue #233.

    I added a layer in front of seekAll. Basically, all seekAll does now is initiates the search in both the finder box it belongs to and the companion's finder box (rows & columns together). All the original code from seekAll is now in seekAllHelper, which seekAll calls.

    I had to add a handle into the companion finder box so that each finder box can initiate the search in its partner's box. I utilized existing code. Although the overall design to do it this way is not ideal, it was easy to do and straightforward. One MUST set the companion after having instatiated 2 finder boxes by calling setCompanionBox. That is done in DendroView.

    I added a couple new methods for convenience and readability: getSearchTerm & isSearchTermEntered.

    → <<cset c9ca5566ab44>>

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