When modifier(s) held for column/row selection, draw a bar around the column/row that follows mouse hover position

Issue #245 resolved
Robert Leach created an issue

I had an idea to make column/row selection more intuitive:

When hovering over the matrix and a modifier keys is held (currently it's shift for rows and control for columns, though I'd like to suggest reserving control for contextual menus), draw a horizontal or vertical bar/band that follows the mouse until a click happens.

I think that this would help people to know what would happen if they clicked.

Note that this issue should be implemented in a way that is consistent with the holistic modifier plan & cheat-sheet in issue #70.

Comments (7)

  1. Robert Leach reporter

    This resolves issue #245. When the shift/control keys are held during hover over the matrix, the hovered row/column is highlighted.

    This helps people to understand what would be selected if they were to click. It could also help act as a guide to associate data that is far apart as being on the same column or row.

    → <<cset e8810aa615b7>>

  2. Robert Leach reporter

    This resolves issue #245. When the shift/control keys are held during hover over the matrix, the hovered row/column is highlighted.

    This helps people to understand what would be selected if they were to click. It could also help act as a guide to associate data that is far apart as being on the same column or row.

    → <<cset e8810aa615b7>>

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