Copy names of selected labels to clipboard

Issue #249 resolved
Anastasia Baryshnikova created an issue

I watched Brianna (my summer student) using Treeview and it was obvious that we need to enable copying (row or column labels) to the clipboard. The typical use case is the necessity to find out more about an uncharacterized gene clustering with a group of known ones. Ideally, copy would work both when you select a single label, as well as when you select a range.

Comments (15)

  1. Robert Leach

    I have selecting via click & drag on my to-do list and I think Chris is working on contextual menus with functions such as copy.

  2. Robert Leach

    Note, similar to ticket #12 (Copy data of selected spots), though distinct in that this issue is for copying just column labels or just row labels. I would suggest that we could hinge the decision of what to copy by a few different methods:

    1. Contextual menu selections:
       Copy Selected Matrix
       Copy Selected Row labels
       Copy Selected Column Labels
    2. Key-combination:
       Command-c copies selected matrix
       Command-shift-c copies selected row labels
       Command-option-c copies selected column labels
       ...or some other modifier keys
    3. Pop-up after command-c that has a "remember this selection" checkbox which asks whether to copy row/col labels or the matrix
    4. Copy different data based on where the mouse is hovered or how the selection was made
       - I don't like this idea because it is unpredictable, but just thought I'd mention it as a possibility
    5. Click-hold, drag & drop
  3. Christopher Keil repo owner

    I will implement various label copying only (all, visible, selected). We can decide upon copying the matrix etc. in a meeting, create another issue, and easily expand the code here (just a question of what data we incorporate into the clipboard string that is being built).

  4. Christopher Keil repo owner

    Added visible range copy-to-clipboard

    The code has been moved to DendroController for better data access. An option to copy the visible range of labels (not whizzing!) has been added.

    Resolves: #249

    See also -

    → <<cset bb78e0406452>>

  5. Christopher Keil repo owner

    Added visible range copy-to-clipboard

    The code has been moved to DendroController for better data access. An option to copy the visible range of labels (not whizzing!) has been added.

    Resolves: #249

    See also -

    → <<cset bb78e0406452>>

  6. Anastasia Baryshnikova reporter

    Copy-to-clipboard works well for the visible range and for all labels, but not for the selected range. When you select a row (or multiple rows), right lick to show the contextual menu and try to select "Copy labels", the focus of the selection moves away from the original selection (to follow the mouse) and nothing gets copied to clipboard. We should try to fix this or (if will take too long), remove the "Selected" option from the contextual menu.

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