Keep whizzing labels visible and updated during tree- & divider-hover

Issue #265 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

Make the tree and the splitpane divider be a part of the label port view. I.e. When hovered over the tree, or when hovered over the splitpane divider, display the labels instead of the hint. And keep the label scroll position updated.

Comments (9)

  1. Robert Leach reporter

    Hey @TreeView3Dev, I have added mouseEntered and mouseExited listeners via a set of adapters in DendroController to catch when the cursor is either over the trees of over the split pane dividers in order to prevent the labels from disappearing. It's working well, except what I did has interfered with the cursor appearance changing to the little divider dragging icon (the two arrows pointing away from a bar in the middle). The bar still shades - I can see that mouse adapter in DragBarUI, but I can't find where the cursor is changing appearance to see why what I did is interfering with it. Do you know where that is?

  2. Robert Leach reporter

    Resolves issue #265. Implemented mouse adapters for the split pane dividers.

    The listeners make it so that the labels can remain visible when the cursor is over the dividers and during divider drags (which may go off the app window and off the divider).

    I also commented out some debug prints that had been added in previous merges.

    → <<cset cb07fc316263>>

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