Highlight subtrees on hover

Issue #59 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

Hovering over trees should highlight subtrees for more accurate clicking/selecting. Use a different highlight color than the one used for selecting subtrees.

Comments (16)

  1. Christopher Keil repo owner

    This issue has been resolved. Subtrees are now highlighted on hover, left-click selects them, right click deselects them.

  2. Anastasia Baryshnikova
    • changed status to open

    I'm not sure this works for me. Hovering over the labels works (they are higlighted in blue, just like upon selection, which is totally fine). But hovering over trees doesn't do anything.

  3. Robert Leach reporter

    Can you do a screen recording for this issue that shows the circumstance when it does not work? Note, we already have noted that it only works when no trees are selected and I believe Chris might have an update for that pending.

  4. Anastasia Baryshnikova

    Yep, that's exactly what I see. When something is selected (as, e.g., after selection and zooming in), the hovering doesn't work. But after deselecting the selection, it works again. If Chris is working on an update on this, we can close this particular issue.

  5. Christopher Keil repo owner

    resolves #59; refactored TRView class and its children for more compact and clean code, resolved logic issue to enable tree node hover-coloring while a node is selected

    → <<cset 84adac45acb8>>

  6. Robert Leach reporter
    • changed status to open

    This does not appear to be working for me. After you select a tree node, hovering over the tree no longer highlights anything.

  7. Robert Leach reporter

    It appears that sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I reset my preferences just to be sure, and then noted that highlighting on the top trees was working but the highlighting on the left-side trees was not working.

  8. Christopher Keil repo owner

    As you already said, this happens when you select a tree node. I already noticed this issue as it violently throws exceptions around (when looking at the Eclipse console for example) and it is not related to tree drawing. This is a pretty trivial issue about updating the DataTicker text. When a node is selected there's some issues with the getStatus() method and what parameters it sets/ receives. This crashes and kills the paint() method for this panel every time you move the mouse (change of cursor coords) because it cannot set or receive some message. Haven't looked at the problem specifically yet due to lack of time, but it's basically just a remnant from old Java TreeView that needs some adaptation to the current DataTicker. It uses a different format and hence there are issues atm.

  9. Robert Leach reporter

    OK, sounds good. I wasn't sure whether this was working before or not, but if it's related to the data ticker, maybe it was working.

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