Something is causing what I would call "interface corruption"

Issue #82 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

I don't know what precisely caused this. I was screen recording, trying to reproduce a different bug, and the session just got corrupted somehow. Watch as:

  1. Font select list becomes blank
  2. Menu items stop yielding expected windows
  3. Matrix size options don't draw correctly
  4. Zoom selection stops working

Not sure what in the process triggered all the issues, but I started recording right after hitting the play button in eclipse (and I synced my repository today 10/3/2014).

Comments (6)

  1. Robert Leach reporter

    The problem appears to be associated with resetting the preferences. I narrowed it down by trying 2 experiments: I started skipping steps at the beginning of the video to see if I still had the errors. Skipping the "Edit Recent Files" step still produced the erroneous behavior. But skipping the "Reset preferences" step caused my not to start having the issues. I will see if I can attach those screen recordings.

  2. Christopher Keil repo owner

    Did you restart the application after resetting the preferences? It needs to be restarted (we should definitely change that but not restarting causes the preferences to get all erased but not rebuilt).

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