Cluster Results Not Visible Until an Image-changing Event occurs

Issue #97 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

This bug is new since the cluster re-work.

When clustering finishes, the displayed data is not updated. It still shows the old unclustered data until something happens to update the image. I found this while working on issue #96. I had been trying to zoom out after clustering, but noticed the delayed image update. I have an older video that does show how it worked correctly before (

I have attached 2 screen recordings showing the problem - one which updates the image upon resize and the other which updates upon zoom. Zooming the selection will also update it.

Also, if you open an unclustered data file and then open the clustered version of that file, you get the same behavior: the display is not updated until you resize/zoom/whatever. But if you open the .cdt file first, it loads properly and displays the clustered data.

Comments (5)

  1. Christopher Keil repo owner

    I have clustered multiple datasets after working on this issue and it seems to be solved on my end (Ubuntu, Win, OSX Yosemite tested). Reopen if this reoccurs!

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