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TreeView3 / KnownIssues

Known Issues

There are a number of minor issues on the docket for fixing and a slew of features planned. Below are a sample of ones you may encounter. See the issues page for a full listing.

JRELoadError / Error starting Java VM

If you get this error (on a Mac), then you likely either don't have a Java Runtime Environment installed, or your JRE version is less than 1.7. Installing the latest JRE will solve this problem.


Note, windows users who have this issue will get a Command Prompt window with the error "Error starting Java VM. Please make sure you have at least java 1.7 installed.".

No color variation for Small Data Values

Treeview colors are currently based on numbers that are rounded to the 4th decimal place. If the difference between the minimum and maximum value in your input file is below 0.00005, the entire matrix will be 1 solid color. We plan to re-implement this as "4 significant digits", instead of 4 decimal places, as a part of issue #446. Currently, you can work around this limitation by normalizing your data to fall within a larger range (e.g. -1.0 to +1.0).

Image Export Size Limit

TreeView3 uses a java class called BufferedImage to achieve a speed enhancement, however this class is also utilized during image export and thus is subject to the class's limitation of java's MAX_INTEGER value. That means that the pixel resolution of the final output image (width * height) is subject to this limit. For large data, this can affect the ability to include labels, since that increases the required resolution. Issue #383 will address this limitation in the future. In the meantime, here are a few work-around options:

  • Export a smaller area, such as a selection, or the current zoomed area.
  • The labels in the export interface use the font size previously set in the label settings. Thus, you can make the label font size smaller before performing an export.
  • Export just the matrix, then copy the labels and add them to the image manually

Rare Branch Hover Highlighting Issue

When a hovered internal tree branch perfectly aligns with a leaf branch, bot will get a bold-red highlight. This will be fixed when Issue #480 is addressed.

Selecting a Column Inside the Matrix

Control-click on the matrix is supposed to select an entire column of data (just as shift-click selects an entire row), but currently it's only selecting a single cell. The work-around is to simply click the column label. This will be fixed when Issue #451 is addressed.

Jumpy Data Ticker Panel (when hovering over cells with long data values)

If your data has long values (e.g. 10 decimal places), hovering over cells in the matrix with those values can cause the size of the data ticker in the bottom panel to change. If this changes the cell your cursor is hovered over, the display will jumpy back any forth between the 2 values until you hover away. This issue will be fixed when Issue #486 is addressed.

Missing Underscores in Some Selected Labels

Occasionally, with some fonts, underscore characters or other low-placed characters will appear clipped or completely missing. The characters are there, but the highlighting or neighboring labels has drawn over them. (See Issue #336).

Initial Color Defaults Poorly Set

TreeView3 tries to guess the best initial color scheme and data values to use when you open a file for the first time and sometimes this guess is a bit off. This behavior will be improved when Issue #172 is implemented.
