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For read correctly the markups inside this file and all other files included in the DOCS folder (except the LICENSE file) you should use a reader for the Markdown syntax (unnecessary if you are reading the online version).

My passion is to program but do not consider myself an expert programmer so, please don't blame me if some parts of code are crappy.
You can help me to make it better! ;)
Another point is that, there will probably be alot of grammatical errors, because of my bad english, then any person that is able to correct them is welcome.


####TBE - Tungsteno Book Extractor

This application was created to convert individual pages or entire books downloaded from an online store books (as in a lighter and more readable form on any web browser. To allow you to read correctly the layout of the converted files from your web browser, the program rests on Tungsteno Book Reader script.

For more information on how the reader works visit jqTBE


Main Operating Systems supported are:

  • Android
  • Windows
  • Ubuntu-like

The services currently supported are:


This software use Kivy framework as its main package implementation. This is already included in the distribution.

No other third-party relevants packages are needed to run this program.


This application is distributed via official app stores of the supported OSes. This implies that your operating system must support the installation through the specific app store.

You can find it on:


The installation follows the rules used by the appstore supported by your device or OS.


Go to How to Use section.

##Planned Features

If you need to report a bug or would like to see implemented a new feature, or simple you need more details on either one, see the Issues section.


This source is distributed under Freeware EULA.

  • License does not expire.
  • Commercial use allowed
  • Cannot modify source-code for any purpose (cannot create derivative works)

The third-party components specified under section Requirements have their license, not necessarily as Freeware.
For them, refer to the corresponding package or their website.

Parts of the software are provided under separate licenses, as follows:

Kivy framework 1.7.2 and later are under the MIT license


Thanks to all people that help me, directly or indirectly, to assemble and test the code of this application.

All thirt-party packages credits are of their owners.

This program is created by Tungsteno.
If you need to contact me for more information or to push a Git patch, send an email to

Project website
