
Clone wiki

Core / UserContributedLibraries

Contributed Code Libraries

Libraries are pieces of code that are intended to be used in more than one project. Users of Codea have published libraries that they have developed. On this page are various links to that code.

Note Clicking on a link will take you to another site. Neither TwoLivesLeft nor any of the authors of the wiki pages can be held responsible for external sites. Please report inappropriate or broken links on the forum.

Codea Style UI by Zoyt

This is for those whom want Codea UI elements in Codea. Wait no longer! Here is a substitution in the meantime. Module that goes with it coming soon.

Vector UI by Andrew Stacey

This is a simple vector UI class by Andrew Stacey.

Hershey Roman Simplex Font by Tom Bortels

Hershey Simplex fonts offer vector font rendering for Codea. That is, the characters are drawn with lines. The HersheyRomanSimplexFont class provides an object oriented interface putting text on the screen.

Video Game Controllers by Nat Pryce

The library includes an analogue joystick with central dead-zone, a slider that can be oriented in any direction, a catapult style interaction for launching projectiles, tap interpreters that can be used as fire or jump buttons, and ways to compose controllers into sophisticated control schemes.

Touch Pad Controllers by PandaChuZero

A set of classes that implement touch pad controls with call back functions and option to use sprite graphics. Can also be used to implement buttons with the isButton variable.

Extended Colors by Andrew Stacey

This is a class for more extensive colour management. It is heavily influenced by the xcolor package for LaTeX. It defines functions for blending colours, and also defines two lists of "standard" colours: SVG colours and X11 colours.

Bitmap Fonts by Nat Pryce

A library for drawing bitmap fonts. Two fonts are included and it's easy (if laborious) to define your own. Font rendering can be performed through a callback so that text can be rendered in any way you like -- directly on the screen or as animated sprites, particle systems, or whatever.

Splines by Nat Pryce

A class for calculating and drawing cubic Bezier spline curves.
