1 asset 1 assetbundle in same directory does not export properly

Issue #18 closed
masashi kamiyama created an issue


in a directory, there are lots of textures.

i want to create assetbundles of each texture.

with grouping node, i set like '*.png'.

so assetbundles are created in cache directory properly.

but export node does not work properly.

only 2 files are copied( Windows and Windows.manifest )

ver1.0 worked, ver1.1 not

Comments (9)

  1. Hiroki Omae
    • assigned issue to

    Hi, thank you for reporting. This should just work straight out with the graph you created. I will test locally and see what happens, but it would be very helpful if you can upload reproducible project that I can use.

  2. Hiroki Omae


    I have pushed the fix of this issue to 1.1/release branch. Can you pull the latest and test if it solves on your environment?

    The issue was caused by mismatch of bundle names capitalization and generated files. AssetBundle system force all letters to be lower cases, but ABGT allowed bundle configurations upper letters. This fix forces bundle configurations to lower letters to match AssetBundle system behavior.

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