Cannot open old .asset files if I close the AGBT or option to change current graph

Issue #21 closed
Matt D created an issue

If I close the window and then open it up again, I do not have the option to load a pre-created or last edited graph. When opening the window, there should be an option to load a graph. If there is a way of doing this, I cannot find it, so if it is there, it should be made clearer.

Comments (8)

  1. Hiroki Omae


    I have updated dev branch and added following features to improve workflow:

    • Graph Editor now remembers last edited graph, so you can continue with last graph when you open window.
    • Graph Editor now have dropdown list to select graphs in project. You can also create new graph from here.


    Could you try out these features and let me know what you think? Thank you!

  2. Matt D reporter

    Hiroki that's perfect! Completely fixed the issues. I have a few issues that I've made but nothing as major. Seems almost ready for a release.

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