"Import Setting" is never finished.

Issue #65 resolved
ONODA Teruaki created an issue

importing repeatedly maybe.

I want to change model import setting automatically.

It change from "By Base Texture Name" to "From Model's Material" at the "Material Naming".

スクリーンショット 2017-08-08 15.08.02.png

スクリーンショット 2017-08-08 15.08.18.png

When import model file, import will not finish.

Comments (9)

  1. Thomas Tabbaza

    Yes there is an issue with enabling Postprocessor mode with models import settings. Also I don't understand why the Import Material boolean can't be changed now (it's now obsolete in the code). Big issue for us because it keeps creating random folders everywhere when we import a model :/ Anyway, the biggest issue is the infinite loop while importing a model right now in postprocessor mode. You can contact me for more insight on the issue. Great tool you have here :) !

  2. Hiroki Omae

    @ThomasTabbaza Thanks for reporting. For some reason Import Materials/Import Normals flags were put off - now they are back. Please give a try on dev branch.

  3. Thomas Tabbaza

    @homae Thanks ! I'm on vacation right now and I'll be back in a week. I'll give it a try at that moment.

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