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AssetBundleGraphTool / AssetBundleGraphTool 1.1 Release Note

AssetBundle Graph Tool v1.1 Release Notes

Overall Tool Improvements:

  • Big performance improvement. You can now use Graph Tool with large projects with tens of thousands of assets.
  • Improved performance when graph has a lot of nodes.
  • Added support for Unity 5.5.0f3 and 5.6b3
  • Graph is now easy to read with Pro Skin.


  • Added TextAsset support.


  • Custom script errors are now displayed on graph just like other issues.


  • Added highlight action when generating custom file from menu to easy find what was just created.



  • Added “Select in Project Window” button on Loader.



  • Connection label now display FilterByType condition.


  • Fixed issue: Filter passed the same asset multiple times from the same node.


  • ImportSetting now induces prefab/assetbundle rebuilding when configuration is modified.
  • ImportSetting now copies and uses very small template asset to save import setting rather than copying first incoming asset to reduce disk usage.


  • PrefabBuilder now avoids prefab generation when there is no update on source assets.
  • Added Edit button to open custom script on PrefabBuilder and Modifier to make script easy to edit.


  • Added Prefab Replace Option to PrefabBuilder configuration.


  • Added Threshold and Version to PrefabBuilder. They are useful for following situations:
    • Threshold prevents unexpected massive asset loading to PrefabBuilder which makes Unity very slow. Default threshold is set to 10.
    • Version allows you to force rebuild selected prefabs when your custom script changes and needs rebuilding.


Other Changes:

  • Postprocess interface improved. With new interface it is much easier to work with when you wish to know which AssetBundle is being built and where they were exported.

void DoPostprocess (IEnumerable<AssetBundleGraph.AssetBundleBuildReport> buildReports, IEnumerable<AssetBundleGraph.ExportReport> exportReports)
  • AssetBundle Graph data is now saved with Unity asset rather than JSON format. When you first open project with v1.1, Graph Tool reads existing JSON configuration and automatically migrates to new format.

  • Added CustomScriptUtility to help custom script developer store formatted strings which interfere based serialization format.
