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Unity-UI-Extensions / Controls / DropDownList



A basic drop down list with text and image support


1 Overview

2 Properties

3 Usage

4 Video Demo

5 See also

6 Credits and Donation

7 External links


A more advanced Combobox control with additional support for images and other items in the selection pane

Drop Down List Inspector


The properties of the Box Slider control are as follows:

Property Description
Disabled Text Color Color of the Autocomplete field when the control is disabled
Available Options Array of child options options for the dropdown/selection. Each child is configured within the array below:
-Caption Text for the Child item
-Image Image displayed next to child item
-Is Disabled Is this child item disabled by default
-Id Unique identity of the drop down item
Scroll Bar Width The width of the scrollbar when displayed
Items To Display Number of child items to display when opened. *Note default 0 shows NO items.
Select First Item On Start Should the first item be auto selected on start
On Selection Changed (event) The Event fired when the user selects an option or loses focus

When managing the control programmatically, make sure you use the following functions to manage the ComboBox contents. Do NOT update the 'AvailableOptions' list directly


Method Arguments Description
AddItem DropDownListItem Adds a new item to the drop down list and rebuilds the display
AddItem String Adds a new item to the drop down list and rebuilds the display
AddItem Sprite Adds a new item to the drop down list and rebuilds the display
RemoveItem DropDownListItem Removes an item from the drop down list and rebuilds the display
RemoveItem String Removes an item from the drop down list and rebuilds the display
RemoveItem Sprite Removes an item from the drop down list and rebuilds the display
RefreshItems Array of supported items (DropDownListItem, String or Sprite) Clears the current list and rebuilds a new list with the provided items
ResetItems None Clears all current options


Add the DropDownList control to your scene using: GameObject -> UI -> Extensions -> DropDownList

Then simply add drop down elements to the Items property. Additionally, Images and other items may be added to enhance the drop down items

Video Demo

Tutorial Video

See also

ComboBox AutoCompleteComboBox

Credits and Donation


Sourced from
