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Unity-UI-Extensions / Controls / MenuSystem

Unite Menu System


The example Menu system demonstrated at Unite Europe 2017, refactored and updated as a generic reusable system.


1 Overview

2 Properties

3 Usage

4 Video Demo

5 See also

6 Credits and Donation

7 External links


At Unite 2017, a team demonstrated an easy to use approach to build an extendable and dynamic menu system for any project. Video Link

This has been updated / refactored in to a reusable feature with a little work based on a set of generic components, at it's Core is the "Menu Manager" which manages all menus and a set of implementation templates for building the Menu's in your game.

Once the manager has been added to your starting / master scene, it will control the flow between all "screens" in your project. It is still quite basic at the moment and only loads/displays each screen UI canvas, so there is room for improvement.


The properties of the Menu Manager are as follows:

Property Description
Menu Screens Collection of Menu prefabs for each menu in the game
Start Screen The initial menu screen the Menu Manager will load when the game is launched


Simply add "Menu Manager" component to a GO using "UI / / Extensions / Menu Manager" in the "Component" menu, or the "Add Component*" button in the inspector. This enables the manager itself

Next you will need to build your Menu UI Prefabs, including a Menu scripts based upon either of these two templates:

  • Menu - A blank Menu implementation that utilises a Singleton to easily reference the menu from the game or manager
  • SimpleMenu - A rough implementation that implements some basic functionality for simple screens.

Simple Create a Canvas and design your UI with whatever UI components you need. Attach a script with the name of the menu (E.G. MainMenu, Options, Controls, etc) which implements either the Menu, SimpleMenu Base Classes. Then save the Canvas as a Prefab using the same name that was used for the Menu Script (see note). Once done, add that menu prefab to the menu manager.

In the "Examples" Folder, there is a full working implementation to based your own design on.

NOTE Currently, each "Menu" script MUST have the same name as the Menu prefab in order for the Menu manager to recognize it

Video Demo

Click to play

menu System Demo

See also


Credits and Donation

Credit Adam Kapos (Nezz)

Sourced from - Also check the Unite Talk for the component
